A Bloody Christmas Special

Start from the beginning

American: Take that Tojo!

American: That's for Pearl Harbor!

British: Die you bloody nips!

British: Yeah made a lovely mess of that!

British: The Japs don't stand a chance!

British: For King George and Great Britain!

Sarge: Get back up so I can shoot you again!

Sarge: I'm not even done yet!

Sarge: We're unstoppable

Sarge: Hell yeah!

Everything was going great for the defenders until on wave 366...

Takasago volunteers: BANZAI!!!

American: Sh*t! We're surrounded!

American: Don't let the Jap bastards take you alive!

Luckily they manage to kill them all but they did manage to wound some soldiers but that can be easily handled. Back in his ship, Montana can't do anything but be annoyed about it.

Montana: *sigh* F*cking flankers.

On wave 380, the fog begins to roll in, and it's up to him and his Marines to keep Jap soldiers at bay and destroy vehicles that bring the biggest threat to their position. Until suddenly, green smoke appears behind one of his tanks with some Anti Tank personnel. That can only mean one thing.

Montana: Gas Troops!

He immediately orders them to mow them down.

US Officer: Fire on my Target!

All of the Gas troops are killed, either by gunshots or being burned. However, they didn't stop there as more enemy armor looms in to view.

American: F*ck! Enemy Armor approaching our position!

British: F*ck me! A Tank?!

Seeing this has made him decide to call in a naval strike, then the unthinkable happens. As his radio operator finishes his request seconds later he hears a large explosion. 

Montana: What the hell?

He went outside only to be shocked as his main turret had turned 90 degrees to starboard and raised 30 degrees. Seconds later a second shell is launched, Montana went back to his game to see the shell hitting a large area of enemies with a Type 89 Chi-Ha being destroyed to bits. The girls went outside to see Montana's ship firing into the unknown, Enterprise decided to find Montana, where she find him in his Admiral's room.

Enterprise: Montana, what's going on?!

Montana: I don't know! I was just playing my game and when I'm called in naval support, my guns just turned starboard and started firing.

This made Enterprise shocked and confused, then Montana see the fog clearing, allowing his defenders to return fire. Montana then decided to call in an airstrike.

Montana: Enterprise, go check your ship call me when you see something abnormal.

Enterprise did just that and just as she reached her ship, the radio operator finishes his call, her Corsairs, Hellcats, and Dauntless engines roar to life as they lined up on the flight deck, seconds later their breaks are released, and off they went. Enterprise immediately went to the comms and call in Montana.

Enterprise: Montana! my planes just took off!

Montana: Climb on Grim and follow your birds, tell me if there's a skirmish going around.

Enterprise soon calls in her eagle which turned into a Hellcat and followed the air group. Two minutes into the journey, Enterprise gasp in horror as she saw his defense being hammered by a large Japanese Battalion.

Enterprise: Montana, you're right there is a skirmish, with 4 green vehicles.

Montana: Those are my Sherman, Whizbang, and 2 GMCs, there's also my men. Can you help them out, looks like they're in danger of being overrun.

Enterprise: With pleasure.

Her planes soon begin their attack, Corsairs and Hellcats strafe down enemy infantry and launch rockets at soft targets like jeeps and trucks, while Dauntlesses dropped their payload on enemy tanks. Soldiers on the ground cheer at the planes and shout at the enemy now running like cats.

American: HA HA HA! That's right you Japs bastards, run!

Sarge: HA! Told you they'll stop coming!

Montana: Heh heh, sure thing Sarge. *Radios Enty* Alright Enty, I have a mini transport ship in your pocket, throw that to the water and it will spawn in a real one so they can get the hell outta there. 

Enterprise: Got it.

She then takes out the mini ship and throws it into the sea, sure enough, it transformed into a big ship. The ramp lowers and the defenders enter the ship. When the last man is inside the ramp is closed and the ship set sails to Azur Lane with Enterprise giving them air cover. An hour into the journey and they reached friendly territory. 

US Officer: Well, this is fine...

Montana: Gentlemen...

US Officer: Fleet Admiral sir. *salutes*

Montana: At ease, soldier. *salutes back*

Then Enterprise came in as she spawns in her ship at the harbor

American: The hell?

Enterprise: So, this' your soldiers?

Montana: Yep

US Officer: Um, sorry to interrupt but can someone explain where are we?

Montana: Okay calm down buddy, I'll explain.

One Very Long Explanation Later...

US Officer: I see.

American: This' a lot to take in.

British: It bloody well is.

Montana: You'll get used to it, anyway how 'bout you boys take a good look around the base?

American: Meh, I wouldn't mind.

British: Sure why not?

The boys soon wander around the base, meeting the other American and British shipgirls where they make friends or even make bonds of love, playing snowballs and having a feast, it was a great present for them after a bloody battle. Montana, Enterprise, the CO, Sarge, and Santa looked at the result, it was jolly good.

Montana: Heh, looks like your boys are happier to be far away from combat huh?

US Officer: Heh, yeah, those Japs were sending a sh*t number of waves of attacks that most of them are crying for their moms. Well, we were lucky that you managed to get the Christmas Medal, those presents are a real morale booster.

Enterprise: Well, let's have some fun today, shall we?

Sarge: Hell yeah.

Montana: Hey Santa, Catchphrase please for everyone?

Santa: Hm? Oh! Ho ho ho! Mmmmmerry Christmas!

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