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Maya and her team is set now here in delhi.
All the official papers are passed and the manufacturing units is all set to start.

Aditya who wanted this project so much,never stopped to cause trouble and make delay in order to intrupt them.

Maya office is now located in a commerce zone under the name of ALWAYS.

Maya's PA: Mam today's schedule is done but Mr.Aditya From Mehta groups of company requests his appointment to be fixed by today evening,shall i allot at 5.00pm mam.

Maya:(why that idiot Aditya wants to meet me now?)yes.

Evening 5.00pm

Aditya:We meet again Miss Maya.

Maya:I hope it's important issue for that we have this meeting Mr.Mehta.

Aditya: Ofcourse it is.I want you to leave mr.lal's project.

Maya:And why is that.

Aditya:I will make easy for you,that project is so important for me and I want it for my company's reputation.

My international clients are involved in that project and I don't want them to think that I am not involved in this major investment project.

Maya:I see and why should I leave that project for which I came to India.You got to be kidding me to ask me to leave it for your benefit mr.Mehta.

And one more thing stay away from me and my team.

Aditya:I propose a deal for you Miss.Maya, you leave this project and in exchange I'll give you some other clients for your organization.

Maya: And to come to my office you must have some nerve Mr.Mehta.Once Maya is committed to finish the job it will be done.If you have nothing else to say you may leave now.

Aditya for the first time didn't want to leave the place even though he got insulted,he is thinking how to extend this meeting.

When Aditya didn't move,Maya looked up from her file and asked him sternly to move out.

While entering the lift Aditya was smiling like idiot.

Arnav was busy with back to back meetings and the reports on Harshad Mehta was driving him crazy.He called Akash to his cabin and started to explain the results of the reports.

Akash:Bai in a sense we can use this report against him.

Arnav:But for that we need Maya's and Kushi's permission.

Aman came with a file and noticed the grim faces of his bosses.

Aman had a fair idea why both his bosses are sitting like that,being with Arnav constantly has given him benifits of knowing the details which would give his boss headache.

Aman: ASR I have asked Rai Chand to come by this weekend to see about Mehtas,and have asked to enquire about Harshad underworld business too.

Arnav: That's good Aman,ask him to call me tonight I want information about something I'll ask him directly.

Aman:ok boss.

Akash:Aman you should also come with Rai Chand to discuss.

Akash got a call and left from there.

Aman:ASR i am sure this issue will end soon, don't worry much.

Arnav:These reports will make a huge twist in the game Aman,let us see how the Mehtas reacts to our attack.

Mehta office:

Harshad:What do you mean by our contract is nullified,only a day's delay had happened mr.Ajay,we can discuss it over a drink today.


Harshad:I know but don't rush to finish our deal yet.

Ajay:We did all your dirt work by keeping your name clean slated in society, when you get enough of our service didn't you say you will pay 35crore?

Harshad:35crore is huge amount Ajai, reduce the amount and send me the details, I'll pay tomorrow.

Ajay:If you don't pay by this week we'll send your doings to that ASR who is filtering your details in and out Lucknow.
Hope you understand the seriousness.

Harshad:ok ok I will pay any how the full amount.

Adhvini:Harshad we shall kidnap Kushi and marry her to Aditya,and make her sign forcefully the documents.

Harshad:where has Aditya gone?

Adhvini:He had some meeting with his competitor.

Harshad:Ask him to meet me once he returns home.

After sometime,

Mom I think I am in love.

Adhvini:So good now make Kushi too to fall in love with you like you do her.

Aditya:No mom I think I am in love with Maya.

Adivini: Maya who?

Harshad:who ever that is,but you got to get married to only Kushi.

Now that Ajay has started black mailing me to send 35Crore.

Adhvini:Like I said before we shall kidnap Kushi and make her sign her properties to us.

Let's make the plan then.

AR Delhi:

Shayam:Arnav are you sure we can proceed with your plan?
I mean no one in family will agree to it.

Akash:But to make Harshad Mehta come in light this is the only shot jiju.

Aravind:Maya is very protective towards Kushi,if she comes to know this plan we make have to get an ear full.

ASR:Call Kushi and Maya now.

Maya:I am already here bai.

Kushi:I called her Arnav ji, i am noticing that you are in trouble because of me, Maya di said she wanted to help you with plan.

ASR:you have any plan Maya?

Maya:Today that Aditya guy came to my office to make me return the project to him,and I think that idiot likes me.

Why don't we distract Aditya and kidnap him.


Maya:Relax everyone,i am just saying if we have their weakness then Harsad may have some loose steps so that we can catch him easily.

ASR:you are right but Harshad is not the only criminal in this story, Adhvini plays the major part.

The detective found out that Adhvini started to give a small quantity of illegal drugs to your mom.On the day of accident the car was driven by...

Maya (with teary eyed):Our Mom.

Kushi:The accident was pre-planned.

Maya:They got murdered?

Just Another Love Story In Arshi Land-completedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora