Chapter 1

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Present Day

Camila's P.O.V

"Come on Dinah we are finally in Miami." I jumped up and down excitedly.

"Chill Walz I know it's been years since you been here and I know this is where you spent the majority of your life, but calm down." She said laughing before she mumbled. "I swear your sister is more mature than."

"I fucking heard that CheeChee. You better be glad I'm in a good mood or I would be kicking your ass right now."

Dinah started laughing hysterically. "Oh my god Mila, you are literally a freaking twig, you couldn't hurt a fly."

I pouted while walking up the stairs to our new apartment. "I know, but atleast you love me, right DJ."

"Of course Walz, you are basically my sister. Now open the damn door, this box is to heavy."

After opening the door and putting the few boxes we carried up, we looked around the apartment. We had already agreed on what rooms we would have when we looked online. I was now in my room at the back of the apartment. It had a beautiful view of the ocean in the distance.


I ran into the kitchen and hit her with a pillow. "Jesus Dinah no need to shout. We have freaking neighbors we don't need a noise complaint on the first day."

"Right, right well start unpacking the stuff in the kitchen and I'll go get some more boxes."

With that said she left before I could say anything else.


Lauren's P.O.V

"Yeah Mani I'll help you and Ally bring up the bags. I'll be right down." I said before hanging up.

I opened the apartment door just as a girl around my age or maybe a few years older, came out of the apartment across the hall.

"Must be the new owner of that apartment, never seen her before." I thought to myself.

We both started walking down towards the parking lot. We were about half way down until she spoke up.

"Um so you live across the hall?"

"Yeah with my two friends, who are actually in the parking lot right now." I said feeling a little awkward.

"Ah, I live with my best friend who is basically like my sister. I'm just going to get some more boxes. I'm Dinah by the way." She said cheerfully.

"Well nice to met you Dinah, I'm Lauren." After I said my name she looked at my eyes like she was trying to figure out something. "Maybe you and your roommate could come over later the five of us could all meet properly?" I offered.

"Um sure I'll have to ask her if she wants to, but I'll definitely be over there. So see you later."

"Yeah see you later." I said before we went to the different cars.

I made my way to where Ally and Normani were waiting for me so we can carry everything.

"Guys I don't understand why you can't carry this up by yourself. There are seriously only four bags."

"Eh we are just lazy and didn't want to carry anything." Normani said.

"Look I'll carry the bag that has my stuff in it." Ally said.

"Yeah Yeah, just hurry up guys there are two friends that just moved across the hall from us and atleast one of them is coming over so we gotta clean." I said excited.

"OH MY GOD I GOTTA GO MAKE COOKIES." Ally yelled before running off to the apartment.

Normani and I chuckled before making our way up to the apartment. Talking about what the new neighbors were like.



Like always sorry if this sucks

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