very messy and convoluted outline or something?

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I have this stupid thing, most definitely related to my ADHD, where I get an idea that feels AMAZING and I hyper focus on it, then completely lose interest. Writing that down makes me realize that that's pretty much the embodiment of ADHD, but I digress. This pattern makes me kind of disillusioned and depressed when it comes to any form of art, but I always seem to come back to it.

Today I was playing minecraft and rebuilding a village because villagers dont know architecture for shit, and what struck me was how goddamn boring it was. like, there I was, wasting time doing something essentially completely useless because its fun, and I was feeling overwhelmed and bored by it. It had become a chore. what the fuck, right?

It was nighttime so of course it made me have an entire existential crisis about society as a whole, like, we as humans do all this work and most of us have this desperate need for purpose, but what's the end result? What's this goal that's supposedly so important? Are we destined to fight to the death to advance until every flaw is completely wiped out? As a guy who sits in a classroom for eight hours every day, take it from me that cold, white flawlessness is awful. Nothing feels more crushing.

So like, I thought, maybe we should just have some secret bureaucracy that stops society from advancing too far. They keep things nice and simple, lay under the radar and let people think they have purpose, meanwhile their every move is being monitored, even when they go to the bathroom. If people knew there was a wall stopping them from taking steps forward, of course they would fight it, so this organization would have to be kept under wraps by any means necessary. Probably they would give kids those slightly fucked up hours long IQ tests, you know the ones, to see if they're good enough to be in the organization, or maybe there would be scouts that keep an eye out for qualified kids. Maybe both, idk. Once you're selected youd probably be kidnapped and your death would be faked, then youd be forced to choose between dedicating the rest of your life to the organization or death, since now you know the secret. There would be intense conditioning of some kind and crazy security to keep you from gaining access to the outside world. And that entire train of thought struck me as just like a really good idea for a story.

I was trying to tell my mom about it to see if she thought it was a good idea, but her boyfriend said theres already an entire subgenre of that called dystopian fiction. So wow, I guess its already been done and I'm not gonna be the next JK Rowling after all. Shit. I still have this feeling that it could be really cool and mysterious if I manage to make it happen so whatever, heres some thoughts and a god awful outline. Thoughts?

idk story idea or something Where stories live. Discover now