We Have To Tell You Guys Something Urgent...

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A/N: I'm making another part! I loved writing it, and I'm bored during winter break. So, here I am. I really do hope that you enjoy! Oh, and before I forget, if I make any spelling mistakes, please, feel free to point them out and I'll fix it! And if anyone points it out, please leave them alone and don't say shut up. They're just trying to help. I think that's all. Thank you!

TW: Mentions of Death, Angst, Slight Swearing. (Please let me know if I missed any, and remember, should you ever need to talk, my personal PMs are always open. )

Disclaimer: I forgot this last time! I do not own the Statehouse or Welcome to The Table Series. It belongs to the amazing man known as Ben Brainard. Go watch all his videos if you haven't! They're hilarious. 

Third Person Omniscient:

The group had finally arrived to the statehouse. Nobody was there since they had all popped in for the meeting. Cali set DC down on the couch and Texas did the same for Louis.

"What are we going to tell everyone? How's this going to affect our meetings? Our mental states are going to be absolute trash. We have to inform Spain that his son died. I don't know if he'll care, but still. He deserves to know," Cali rambled. He wasn't the closest to Florida, but he did occasionally enjoy their little arguments together. He knew that this would hit Louis and DC the hardest. Those two were so close, and partners in crime. And DC, wow is DC not going to be able to handle this for a while. Survivor's guilt would do that to you. Not to mention he was right there when it happened. He will probably need to start therapy since that kind of stuff is traumatic.

"We don't tell anyone what happened until they're all here. We'll need to have some sort of plan to tell 'em what happened. It's going to hit everyone so hard. We break it to 'em gently, OK? As to how this is going to affect meetings, I imagine no one is going to be in the mood to go to the meetings for quite a while after this. We hold off any meetings until everyone is semi-fine. After all, the nation isn't going to run itself. And screw Spain. I don't remember one time that man ever checked in on his son. You can do it if you want, but I'm not lifting a finger for that revolting SOB," Texas answered best he could. He had a point with everything, and Cali knew that. He wouldn't ask Texas for help with the Spain thing, but Cali knew that he would need support if he was going to tell everyone what happened.

"OK, so how exactly can we tell them. It's not going to be easy to explain that Florida, you know... died," Cali still couldn't believe that Florida was dead. It all felt like some horrible dream. It was very clear that the four are going to need some intense therapy after all this. Mainly DC and and Louis. Speaking of which, Cali wanted to see how they were doing. They were both sleeping softly, only occasionally making noises. It wasn't surprising that they were sleeping. The amount that both screamed must've exhausted them. Cali felt bad leaving them just on the couch, so he picked up DC and brought him to his bed. Texas followed suit and left Louis in his room and put him on his bed. Neither woke up, much to the duo's relief.

"Hey, wanna go to my room to continue this? I don't think they're gonna wake up for a while," Cali offered after going back to the living room.

"Yeah, sure. C'mon let's go-"

"Where the hell were you two? And Louis? And DC? And where the everloving hell is Florida?" A voice came from the entrance to the living room. Both Texas and Cali turned around simultaneously. There stood a very pissed New York and the rest of the states came flooding in after a minute or two.

"Well shit," The duo said at the same time.

A/N: Hello everyone, I hope you enjoyed! I decided I'm making 3 parts to this since I wanted to make a cliffhanger because I'm evil! I don't know when I'll get the 3rd part out because I'm super inconsistent as you may have noticed, but hope that you all have a great morning/noon/afternoon/evening/night! Love you all!

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