Oh fuck.

The blood all over his face was still there.

He groaned and pulled into the dirt road that he drove alongside. He drove down that dirt road until he saw the river. He parked and hopped out, bending down over the water and lapping his hands beneath the surface before bringing them up to his face, washing off as much blood as possible.

He did it quickly, wanting to get into the shower, and washing in the river wasn't the top thing on his list. He stepped back into his car and drove back onto the roads, only going a bit over the speed limit.

Once Dream arrived home, he parked and hopped out, gently opening the door in order to not wake his family. Luckily, no one was downstairs, only Patches, who slept soundly on the couch.

He crept upstairs and into his room, where he locked the door behind him and chucked off his clothing and grabbed his towel as he entered his bathroom, looking at himself in the mirror.

The blood on his face had been washed off, but not his mouth, hence why the metalic taste still lingered.

When he curled his lips to get a look at his teeth, he saw how stained they were, specifically the overly sharp canines. His lips were tinted red, as well as he tongue.

He sighed, ruffled his hair, and turned on the shower, only waiting a few minutes before stepping in and welcoming the burn trailing down his body.

His hair quickly became plastered against his scalp, turning a shade darker. Droplets slipped off strands and fell over his eyes, clumping up on his eyelashes. He blinked them away, shaking his head and grabbing the shampoo.

He stepped out of the shower a while later, wrapping the towel around his waist as he walked back into his room, answering the sudden call from George.

"George! It's like three in the morning, what's up?"

"I'm not tired, but I also have nothing to wear for tomorrow."

"Are you talking about the party? 'Cau--"

"No, you idiot. I like seriously don't have anything to wear. Everything's in the washer right now and I only have like two outfits that I really don't want to wear 'cause they aren't the greatest."

Dream propped his phone up on his nightstand, facing the screen towards him as he sat on his bed, still in his towel--he was too lazy to change. "Let me see 'em, and I'll be the judge of that."

He heard George huff on the opposite end before there was a rustle of movement. "Want me to put them on?"

Dream grinned. "Give me a fashion show, and I'll decide which one for you to where tomorrow."

"God you're an idiot."

The camera angle changed and George backed away, giving his entire figure to Dream, who watched carefully.

George wore a green sweater over a collared white shirt with black jeans that didn't quite make it to his ankles, showing off white socks.

"What?! How don't you like this?" Dream exclaimed.

George shrugged, spinning around in a circle. "I don't know, I don't like how it looks on me."

"Well then you're stupid. I like it, the sweater's like my eye color," Dream said. "You know what, don't even show me the other one. Wear this one... wait! We can kind of be matching."


"You wear my eye color, I'll wear yours!"

"You're... overly excited."

"So? Seriously, you look great in that outfit, I'll snap you mine tomorrow 'cause I'm too lazy to change from those clothes to my t-shirt and sweats."

George looked at his phone. "Oh! Shit, I didn't even realize you aren't wearing anything."

"I'm wearing a towel?" Dream stood up and grabbed a pair of boxers, sweats, and a white shirt.

"Oh hush, that doesn't count, it's not a piece of clothing."

"Yes! It does! It's covering a part of my body, therefore, I'm wearing it. You don't always have to wear clothes."

"Oh yeah? Give me an example."


"That's what I thought, you idiot."

Dream huffed, returning back in view of his camera now fully clothed. "Shut up."

George yawned. "I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Don't leave me!" Dream pouted.

"And you don't be dramatic, I'm tired, I'll see you tomorrow."

Dream pouted again as George laughed, waving goodbye and leaving the facetime.


okay but for some reason, dream reminded me of a golden retriever during the face time, just me?

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