"Miss Jayda, I could've done that," Geoffrey said trying to take over.
"Nah, it's alright G, I got it. I ain't dumb," I laughed. He nodded his head at me smiling before leaving to do something else.

I sat on the kitchen counters waiting for Michael when Will walked in and saw the basketballs.
"You gonna go hoop?" he asked me.
"Er yeah Mike's coming over for a match," I said wincing waiting for a reaction. His jaw clenched but he nodded his head.

"Can I join you guys?" he asked. This was meant to be a sort of date thing and now he wants to tag along. Although maybe they'll get along and he'll stop being a bitch about everything.
"Yeah, I doubt he'd mind," I said. Mike definitely would mind.

I made an excuse of me needing to go to the bathroom and went and called him.
"Yo, I'm driving. Wassup?" Mike said.
"Erm so my friend... it's not a girl. His names Will and he wanted to join our game. It's his house so I couldn't really say no. I hope you don't mind?" I asked cringing at how bad it must've sounded.

"Yeah, it's cool, it's cool. This guys just a friend yeah?" he asked me.
"Yeah like my little brother," I said in hopes of him not being angry.
"Yeah, don't worry then. All's good. Guess we'll just have to sort out another time for us to do a proper date then huh?" He asked making me smile.
"Yeah, think that's a good idea," I smirked.
"Alright see ya in a minute."
"Bye!" I hung up the phone and walked back to the kitchen, grabbing the balls before heading over to the courts.

I started warming up and Will came and joined me. I could tell he was still angry but he was acting like nothing happened so I just went along with it. About five minutes in to the drills me and him were doing Mikey walked out our back door with G leading him out to the courts. He looked around at the place in awe making me laugh and remember my first day here.

Once he was done gawking at the place and he had reached the inside of the courts he hugged me and dapped Will up, who didn't look to be so happy with him being here.

"This place is crazy! This yours?" Mike asked Will.
"My aunts yeah," he said bluntly, "What's your name again?"
"Mike, you're Will right?"

"C'mon boys stop the chit chat and let's get a game going!" I shouted from under the net I had been shooting in. I did it mostly to stop the tension between them.

Mike was being cocky saying that me and Will could be one team against him.
"Nah, nah, nah. I could take you guys honestly just be a team!" he urged us.
Me and Will gave each other a look whilst smirking.
"Sounds fair," I shrugged my shoulders trying not to smile and Will followed suit.

We let Mike start as he was on his own, Will marked him and I marked the goal ready to get the rebound if he shot. Will was taller than Mike by three or four inches which I think made Michael rethink his decision on being on his own as Will kept leaning in trying to grab the ball.

Mike bounced the ball a couple times before moving down the right side of the D also bouncing the ball in his right hand to stop Will from being able to get it off him. I ran round them both so I was on Mike's right side and Will was on his left.

"Oh for fucks sake!" Mike sighed as he realised there was no way out. He lobbed the ball towards the hoop but it hit the left side of the backboard and bounced backward.

"You didn't think this one through Mikey!" I taunted him. He stuck the middle finger up at me pretending to be angry but it didn't last long until he was laughing again. I grabbed the ball from the other end of the court and went back up to the hoop. We were playing half court where we both shoot in the same hoop.

Will was standing off to my left and Mike in front of me waving his hands around trying to block me. I faked a shot making him jump up whilst I ran around his right side and did a lay up.
"Ayy!" Will said holding out his fist for me to bump which I did.
Mike nodded his head, "Alright, alright. You're not that bad."
I rolled my eyes jokingly.

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