The wall had just slid shut behind them when I heard the car come around the corner for the second time. I turned off the small lamp before walking over to the door of the garage. I watched through the window as the car pulled up at the end of the driveway. Three men with guns got out of the car, one went to the front door, one to the backdoor and one came at the garage. I couldn't help but smile at their stupidity at I checked the second gun making sure I had reloaded it with the amnesia darts. Just one dart would make a person forget everything they once knew, and never let them remember it again. I stepped into the shadows as he got closer to the door. I smiled as the door opened, and waited for the guy to walk into view. I let off a shot in his direction and smiled when he dropped to the ground. Along with making the person who is hit with the dart forget everything they once knew, it also instantly knocked them out.

I slowly walked over to the door keeping my eyes trained on the door in case the others decided to check out the garage. When I got to the door the only person I saw was the guy waiting by the back door. I quickly pulled the guy I knocked out over into a corner and waited for one of the others to get curious. I continued to watch out the door as the guy who went in the front door came out the back. They stood on the back door talking for a minute before the guy who stood watch at the back door gestured over to the garage. They spoke for a few more minutes, and the back door guy gestured to the garage again.

I watched as they both readied their guns as they came walking over to the garage. I backed up into the shadows again, and waited. When the first guy walked in the door I was tempted to just shoot him and get it over with, but I waited until the second guy walked in and took him out first. When the first guy heard his friend hit the floor he turned to look at him, and I shot him with a dart as well. After pulling both of them away from the door I deposited them with their friend knowing they would be out for a while. I finally emerged from the garage to make sure that there were only the three of them. When I didn't see anyone else I got into their car and pulled it up into the backyard where it wouldn't be seen as easily, and went back in to let Mercy, Brian, Han, and Dom know it was safe to come out of the safe house.

I flipped a switch that would signal to Mercy that all was well, and then went over to the intruders to find their wallets. I had just fished out the last wallet and sat down to erase their existence when the safe house door opened. I didn't turn to look at any of them until Brian spoke up. "Dom is still out cold down there."

"I'll get to him when this is done." I stated erasing all files on Alexander Jose, Harrison Glove, and Brandon White. When I was sure no more file existed I gave them new papers, and went to my planning room, and crossed the three men's pictures out before walking over to load them back into their car. I went to change into sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt before walking back out to the garage. "I'll be back in about an hour. If you want answers you'll wait here until then. Mercy, if anyone else shows up you know what to do." I said before getting into the driver's seat of the car and taking the men a few counties over, where I rented a hotel room, and dropped the three men in it before taking their car to Jim's chop shop, from Jims I walked the rest of the way home.

When I got back I knew it was time to face the music so I went to the fridge and pulled a syringe out of the back. "What the hell are you doing with that?" Brian asked getting in my face. I knew he was pissed at me for shooting Dom, even if it was just with a tranquilizer dart.

"Going to wake him up." I said pushing past him, and slammed the door to the safe house in his face. I could hear Brian yelling something on the other side of the wall, and I let out a sigh before walking down the stairs to the small apartment style safe house. They had decided to set Dom in a chair when they got him down here and I knew that was going to be to my disadvantage. Whenever someone wakes up from one of my tranquilizer darts they always seem to hit first and think later. Something about it just puts them on edge. "Well here goes nothing." I said injecting the fluid that would wake Dom up into his bicep. The next thing I knew I was flat on my back and the right side of my face was throbbing.

Second Chances Rarely Come (FCAAYN Sequel)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora