9| Yet So Far

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   After we took full control of the buildings cameras it was time to continue our plan while Brenda and Peter continued theirs, Peter was working with Gally and a bunch of people who were against WICKED. There plan was to break in and raid the city.

   We made our way to the main control room that was towards the middle of the building, "here it is" Teresa said when we arrived to a door. The door blinked green before it opened revealing a guard, Newt quickly shot him before Harlow dropped her gun bringing her hands up. They ignited with red before a sonic wave was let out putting all the guards to sleep.

   Harlow ripped off her mask giving a breathy laugh, "that was awesome" she smiled. "Check the room" Thomas commanded making us spread out unlocking each room, dozens of kids filed out into the large room but Minho wasn't one of them.

   "Newt, check this out" I called spotting large cabinets all labeled by subjects, "what is it" Newt furrowed his brow. "It looks like our records" Harlow stepped back bringing her hands to the side as she focused. In a matter of seconds the cabinets clicked before opened, "look here this is our maze" Harlow pointed to where a large A was scribbled. Ofcourse her papers were first, Harlow pulled them out as her eyes scanned the papers. "Faye Harlow Hayes, Female, 16, Mother: deceased, Father:" Harlow looked up. "MIA" she read, "Newt pulled his out, "Isaac Newton, 17, Mother: Unknown, Father: Unknown" Newt read.

   I gave an apologetic smiled as Gally spoke again, "this might take some time" he called. "He's not here" Thomas said distressed, "where is he" he walked up to Teresa. She looked around before spotti g the computer, "i can check" she walked over bending down before clicking the keys quickly.

   Meanwhile Newt and I were still invested in the records, "Alby was the oldest, Chuck the youngest" I said softly. Newt looked up he hadn't heard his name in so long and even after all this time i wasn't over Chuck. "We have to do this, not just for Minho. For them too" Newt nodded.

   After figuring out where they needed to go Newt said he was going, i tried to protest and so did Thomas but it was no help. "I'll stay behind its fine, go we'll meet you guys out back" I nodded, Thomas seemed stuck but eventually said yes.

   I hugged Newt before giving him a short kiss, "make it back to me Newt" i whispered hugging him tightly. "We'll find our way to eachother" Newt responded, i nodded before we finally pulled away and they left.

   Gally got back to working on the door while i guarded, "can we hurry this up" I called impatiently as i watched the door. "I'm going as quick as i can" seconds turned into minutes before Gally was finally able to open the door.

   "Finally" i walked forward helping him carry out a large bag filled with serums, once we got enough we shut the door. "We need to get out of here, follow us and you'll make it safely" I nodded at the kids who seemed scared.

   Gally handed the bag to a kid before we made our way out "alright, let's go" Gally called before we broke out in a sprint. We made it outside and to the parking garage where we could hear the sirens blaring. Clearly they had compromised their location.

   "Stay low, stay low!" Gally called as we ran out of there, "Brenda where are you we're here" Gally said into his radio. Not even seconds later a bus screeched to a hault, "come in let's go!" Brenda called.

   All the kids ran to get inside the bus, "front and back, front and back let's go" Gally commanded as kids filed in. "Wait were's Thomas?" Brenda asked, my gut dropped. "I thought he was with you" my voice sounded shaky, Brenda attempted to get out but i stopped her. "Wait stay here with the kids, we'll find them" I turned to Gally who nodded.

   "Just wait for us" Gally called before sliding his mask back on, i did the same thing before we broke out in a run again.

Subject A1- The Weapon♕Where stories live. Discover now