"I thought that maybe—Evelyn was—she could have—" Chuck stuttered, his voice breaking as Thomas wrapped an arm around the boy's shoulders.

"I'm sorry, buddy," he whispered.

I shook my head and turned away, trying to remember that I now had the responsibility of upholding the Glade on my shoulders. There was so much to take care of now, the death of three Gladers, replacing Minho, finding someone to take my place as Second in Command, and Evelyn...

"They've done it! You've got it!"

I stopped in my tracks as my head whipped around, my eyes widening at the sight of two figures stumbling towards the exit of the Maze. With his arms wrapped around their shoulders, Evelyn and Minho carried an unconscious Alby closer towards safety. I shoved through to the front of the group, my heart hammering in my chest at the sight of Evelyn's slender figure stumbling forward.

"Come on, Evelyn! You've got this!" Chuck shouted excitedly.

They were so close. So close that Clint and Jeff had pushed so far forward that if they took another step, they would be in the Maze. Minho was the first to step foot into the Glade, Evelyn and Alby only a few seconds later. Clint immediately helped lay Alby on the ground for examination as Evelyn limped over to me and wrapped her arms tightly around my neck.

"It's really nice to see your face." She murmured as I chuckled and pulled away, examining her face for injuries. Even with greasy hair, sweaty face, and bloody clothes she still seemed to radiate her own light, her blue eyes tired but still full of fire. She frowned and reached both hands up to cup my face. "You haven't slept."

I scoffed at her. "You just fought for your life in the Maze and you're worried about me not sleeping. I could say the same thing to you."

She shrugged before she gave me a lazy smile. "How pissed are you at me?"

"Slightly less pissed now that you're alive,"I replied, my eyebrow raising in response to her smug smirk. "But still pissed you considered leaving."

She grinned before leaning forward and pressing a feather light kiss to my cheek. "I would have done the same for you."

I gave her a lopsided grin in response, afraid that if I opened my mouth I'd spout about what I'd really been feeling all night and how the only thing I wanted to do right now was pull her into my arms and kiss her. That seemed too extreme for the moment.

"Newt, are you going to call a Council meeting or I am going to have to do it?" Gally embellished, his arms crossed over his chest as he approached us.

"That's not your place, Gally and you know it," I countered calmly, unwilling to allow him to push me around like he had with Nick and Alby. "I think Evelyn should-"

"Be punished? Me too."

Evelyn opened her mouth to retort, but stopped as gave her arm a squeeze in response. I gave Gally a warning look before turning back to the large group that had gathered around Alby, watching as a few boys began to carry him off to the Medjack hut.

"I need all Council members to report to the Homestead immediately." I demanded. "Clint is excused to tend to Alby."

The Medjack gave me an appreciative nod before directing the group of boys carrying Alby back to their hut. I sighed and turned back to Evelyn, who was glaring up at Gally.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2018 ⏰

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