Welcoming party pt3

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"Alright well then it's settled! Sero hit the lights!"

"On it!", he replies as he shoots a strip of tape in the light switches direction.

♡Small time skip♡

'Damn this is uncomfortable....maybe I should've chosen a different spot'

You grunt a bit and slightly wiggle about causing all three men on the couch with you to take notice.

"Um Y/n are you okay?", asked a concerned Deku.

You jump slightly at the sudden question for you were hoping to be discreet. "Yeah, I'm just a little uncomfortable...I feel a little smushed"

"Oh I'm sorry if you want I can mo-"

"No no no. You and Todoroki were here first. I wouldn't want either of you to move"

You get ready to get up but you're gently pulled back. Turning your head slightly and looking up, your eyes meet with a beautiful sharp smile.

"Do you want to lay on me? That might be a bit more comfortable."

You smile to yourself and nod, "Yeah, if you don't mind. Thanks Kirishima"

♡Another Time skip♡

It's the next day and everyone is just chilling and talking amongst themselves in class waiting for Professor Aizawa to arrive.

"Shut up I don't want to hear that from someone that almost peed their pants last night", Mina says with a scrunched up nose and a frown.

"Oh come on! It's not fair. Kirishima got to cuddle up with a total babe like Y/n, so why couldn't I get a little squeeze while watching the movie?", retorts a desperate Mineta.

"You make me-"

"Alright class settle down. Everyone in your seats. Today we'll be heading to the USJ so Y/n can show off her powers. We'll start off with one v one's; then we'll do team battles. Now go ahead and get changed...the bus will leave in 10 minutes."

"Um Professor Aizawa wouldn't it be smarter to do team battles first so that Y/n can get familiar with our quirks?"

Sighing and turning his tired gaze to the student who asked the question he responds with, "No. Do you think that villains give a hero time to warm up and become familiar with their quirk before a fight? Or does the hero have to be quick on their feet and adapt accordingly? Plus if I were you all I wouldn't doubt L/n's skills. Now everyone hurry up and get changed...you now have only 8 minutes to get to the bus."

☆At the USJ☆

"As I already stated. You all will be going against L/n in a one on one battle. Everyone was given a number on the way here. Who ever has number 1 will go first then so on and so forth...so who's up first?"

"I am..", you look in the direction of the voice and see a pair of stunning mixed matched eyes looking back at you.

'So I fight Todoroki first....this should be fun'

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