Chapter 2: 12:00 am

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-the end of first semester-
Nora's p.o.v
A fierce food fight accrued yesterday. It was sooo much fun!! I was a queen!!!! We almost won! Ruby beat us with a special move I never saw her do! Still though, I had fun.
Ren dragged me to the library. Jaune was flirting with Weiss and Pyrrha was reading. Ren was reading a big book. I fell asleep and felt pages begin to be laid on my head. The library grew more quiet with the time passing.
Page turning.
More silence.
And more page turning.
The pages were removed from my head and the side of the book I slept on was slide out carefully from under me. "Nora..." Whispered a male voice as a hand was placed on my back. I groaned.
"Nora." The voice became a soft jolt.
I cracked open my eyes. Ren was trying to wake me.
"Lets head back to the dorm. I finished my studies and it became dark."
I nodded and yawned. He stepped back as I stretched.
I stood but my knees felt weak. I used Ren's shoulder as support. Without word Ren picked me up and I lazily had my legs wrapped around him. I laid my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes once again.
I felt every step he took and his heart beat. Calming. Sleep washed over me.
Ren's p.o.v
Nora had a light body. Her little breathing noises blew past my ear. I walked into the dorm-oratory and up to the floor our room laid on. I carefully opened the door and crept inside. Pyrrha was using a flash light in the dark corner of her bed to read before bed. Jaune was snoring away. Pyrrha looked up to my entrance and I gave her a thin lined half smile and raised my eyebrows. She smirked and pointed toward the sleeping girl in my arms. I gave Pyrrha a thumbs up. Pyrrha nodded and went back to her book.
'Dammit, Nora will wake up in the night if she sleeps in her regular clothing' my thoughts clouded together. Could Pyrrha help? I looked over at her. She was wrapped up in her blanket and already asleep.
I shook my head in defeat. Like Nora said, just like a bathing suit. Except its fabric that can be see through when wet. I gulped a bit and took off her vest.
My hands shakily held the helm of her skirt. I slowly pulled it off and kept my eyes on the ceiling. I looked straight at her sleeping face as I grabbed her white top and pulled it above her head and onto the floor with the skirt. I slide off her boots and rolled her over on our combined beds. I sighed in relief. Thank god that was easier than expected. Not one glimpse at her body.
I took off my shirt and left myself in only boxers. Nora pulled me into sleeping in them and now it has become a habit. I slide under the covers and had my back facing Nora. She rolled over and tossed an arm around me. Her bra covered chest against my back. I sat there in a moment of small shock but then my eyelids felt heavy. Sleep pulled me into its domain and the barely clothed girl cuddling me didn't seem like a bother.
Nora's p.o.v
I awoke very groggily. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I noticed that I was only in my bra and panties. When!? How!? I quickly looked around and saw my clothes tossed onto the floor. My bra was loose and crooked. I fixed it and looked over at Ren, whom was sleeping next to me, his back facing me. He was only in boxers. I had pulled the blanket up to make sure he was. Why was I only in a bra and panties!? I'm deathly sure I didn't do anything!!! I panicked.
I was the only one awake. I took the risk. I hopped over Ren and pulled on my shorts and a random shirt. I rushed down the hall and into the showers. I didn't shower though. I undressed and took a close up make up mirror and checked. I sighed in relief. I'm okay, I have nothing to regret. But the reason I was in my underwear scared me. Ren would never undress me. Would he?
Without word I dressed myself and skipped back to Team JNPR's room. Not a peep from me. I crawled back next to Ren. His long breaths of sleep could softly be heard. I scooted close to the wall and closed my eyes once more. It was late dawn and a weekend day, I shouldn't be up so early.
Ren's p.o.v.
10:23 am.
My heavy eyes snapped open to reveal the sunlight shooting through the glass window that separated mine and Pyrrha's beds, about 4 feet plus 2 feet after the window on each side. A wide area really.
The curtains were never shut last night to the sun filled the room. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. Pyrrha and Jaune we're gone. Must be at breakfast. I sat up and looked over at Nora. She was curled up in a blanket and slept right up against the wall. Almost like I was repelling her. She had clothes on too. She must have woken and put them on. Nothing huge to worry about. I slowly got up and pulled on some fresh pants.
I scratched my back and yawned. Saturday was dawning on me very well. Hopefully today can be peaceful. I stretched and brushed out my hair. As I pulled it back a soft groan was put into play behind me.
I turned to see Nora starting to wake. Her hair slightly messy and her shirt was crooked off her shoulder. She rubbed her eyes as she sat up. "Good morning Nora." I smiled.
She looked at me weirdly and gave a shy smile. Did I offend her? "Morning Ren." She said cleanly. Usually shes bubbly and hops onto me. Maybe today is not her day.
I went to the showers and returned in record time with clean teeth and a fresh looking self. Nora just finished getting dressed as I walked in. She had a pink brush in her hand and her back faced the door. She hummed as she brushed her short orange hair.
"I'll be heading down for breakfast shortly. Coming with?" I asked. She didn't turn to face me. "No. I'll be down shortly after you." She stated. She had a sense of cold repel in her voice.
I raised an eyebrow and shrugged as I walked out the door and closed it behind me as I walked to the mess hall.
Nora's p.o.v.
I finished getting ready and walked out into the hall. I made sure Ren was gone. I didn't want to be too close to him now. It felt unnatural. Maybe he'd bring it up later on and explain. Hopefully...
I walked down the hall and out the mess hall where the group of team RWBY and team JNPR all sat at the same table. There were two open spots. Next to Ren and next to Ruby. I choose to sit next to Ruby. Which is across the open seat next to Ren. "Why'd you sit there? You usually sit next to Ren." Ruby asked. I shrugged. "Felt like I needed a change." Ren raised an eyebrow and everyone just stared at me for a second. "You sure you feel ok?" Asked Yang. "Yeah. I'm fine." I softly smiled. They all went back to eating as a plate was slide in front of me. "I got you a plate." Ren said quietly, not making eye contact with me. Almost disheartening it was to see him like that.
I began to nibble on the waffle covered in syrup Ren had on a plate for me. A glass of strawberry milk was present next to the plate. Was he making this a way of being sorry? He knows I love strawberry milk.
After I finished my plate I got up and left. I needed a walk to clear my head.
I fumbled around the castle-like school hallways and was hazed in thought. I didn't watch where I was going most of the time. Just the fact that I was only in my bra and panties and next to Ren sent shivers down my spine. I know he's handsome to me, but I'm not that into him. We're besties. No possible way he is slightly into me.
I sulked for a bit. My feelings fighting each other. What if he undressed me but not in a romantic way? Was he getting me comfortable? But then there is the 50% that he did undress me to be romantic. I blushed. I stopped in my tracks and slapped my hands onto the sides of my head. "Ugh! NORA NO! He doesn't like you like that!!" I growled loudly to myself. The halls were empty and quiet. Luckily no one heard.
I shook my head and began to walk more. I turned the corner and only the sound of my footsteps could be heard.
Ruby's p.o.v (oh snap xD)
I quietly followed Nora. I was like a spy!! When she yelled out loud go herself I knew why she was acting distant toward Ren. Did she like him? Or did something happen between them? I was itching to find out.
Ren's p.o.v.
I had an odd feeling in my stomach. Nora was ignoring as truly just not wanting to be around me. I didn't do anything right?
I was walking around school grounds and then it hit me. Because she woke up next to me in only underwear and a bra and me only in my boxers and our clothes on the floor, does she think we....
My eyes snapped open. "OH NO." I yelled as I spun around and ran back inside the school.
'Where is she!?' My thoughts raced with worry. I would never do that! I mean Nora is cute but I never said I was totally into her!!
I drifted around corners and used all my speed an strength to race around the nearly empty school. I heard nothing except my own breath and heart beat.
It sounded like a fast pace bass drum. I listened for soft footsteps.
As I rounded a corner a flash of pink and orange came into my view. The small female body slowly turned around and her turquoise eyes widened in shock as she saw me speeding toward her. My mind didn't think to stop my feet.
I crashed into her and landed on top of her. Nora groaned as she shook her head. She laid flat under my weight. "Nora! I'm so sorry!! I was just looking for you!" I spat fast and caught my breath.
She hesitated.
"I have to explain something to you."
"Well tell me."
I stopped and look at my position I was in on top of Nora. I quickly stood and hid the smallest blush on my face. "S-Sorry." I helped her up. She dusted off her skirt and had her back to me. "Well if your not going to tell me. Why waste my time?" She huffed as she began to step away.
I grabbed her shoulder. "Nora wait."
She searched my eyes and sighed. "Fine."
I took a deep breath and held onto both of her arms, making her face me.
"Nora Valkyrie, in no way ever did I sleep with you last night. If you woke up and wondered why you were in your under garments, it was because, yes, I did undress you but in now way did I place a finger or a glance onto your body. I'm not that type of guy."
The blush on her face was priceless.
Nora's p.o.v.
He told me. He spoke very smoothly and kept his sight on my eyes. I had the urge to look away but I was mesmerized by his magenta eyes. I didn't realize that I was blushing.
It took me a moment to process the words.
"Ren.... I just thought that maybe in the slightest way, that was your way of saying 'hey I like you'"
"It wasn't, your my best friend."
"I know.."
My heart saddened slightly. My feelings for Ren were always rising. I could now say that after spoke those words, I like him.
I pulled away. "I'll see you at the dance tonight!" I ran away and headed toward the dorms.
Ren's p.o.v.
Her legs carried her vastly down the hall. She seemed almost scared to say that. But she did remind me that I had to get ready for the dance tonight.
Nora was being considered my "date." But we're only going as friends. I walked back to team JNPR's dorm room.
Nora must have been there by now.
Nora's p.o.v
I had to look gorgeous for Ren! I wanted to capture his heart! Or atleast have him want to capture mine!
I pulled out my dress and my makeup bag. I ran to the shower room and began to apply eyeliner, eyeshadow, and mascara. No blush. Ren already has that on me.
I smiled at myself in the mirror as I brushed my hair.
I finished and ran back to my dorm. The pink dress and pink heels awaited me. Ren hasn't yet to arrive. I tossed on the dress and was strapping on my heels when Ren walked in wearing his suit. "Oh so you are getting ready." He said.
I smiled. "Yup!!" I jumped up and twirled. I stopped and faced him. "How do I look?" I threw my hands in the air and smiled. His expression was shocking.
His words fumbled. "W-Well, uh, um, just," *sigh* "You look just.... Wow..." He smiled with a puppy love look on his face. Did it work? I mentally squealed and I walked over to him. "You look handsome." I complimented.
"Thanks." He kept his gaze straight.
Ren held out his bent arm to me. We hooked elbows and happily strolled down the hall and outside.
Ren's p.o.v.
Nora looked really pretty tonight. Almost like she wanted to impress. Her eyes popped out more. They sparkled a little more in the full moon light. The darkness of early night had left the walkways looking a dim purple and the lamp post left us in a heat-full glow.
Our hooked elbows kept us close. Nora's pink heels clacked along. God she looked so cute in this lighting.
Wait. 'Woah Ren what are you thinking!? Shes your best friend!' I mentally slapped myself. I moved my eyes from Nora and onto the dance entrance. I opened the door for her and she nodded at me as she walked in. I followed.
Balloons and flashing lights. Laughing and fun. A normal teenaged dance. Nora's smile increased. I smirked and looked around. Ozpin and Glynda stood to the side of the dance floor, watching all of us. Team RWBY was all dressed up and dancing their hearts out on the dance floor. All except Blake. Jaune was trying to dance with Weiss, failing thought. Blake was in the corner of the room, chatting with a few students. I felts a hand grab my arm and drag me onto the dance floor. "Lets dance Ren!" Cheered Nora. I grew nervous. I can't dance. "Nora I don't dance."
She smiled and began to dance. I moved slightly and got into groove with her. "See! You can! Don't doubt yourself!" The small girl giggled. I smiled and let loose. No one was watching me. I wasn't embarrassed. Nora was enjoying this. The song ended and I stopped. "I'll get us some punch." I had to raise my voice so she could her me over the music. She nodded and kept dancing.
I walked over to the refreshment table and grabbed to cups of red punch. "Hey." Said an unfamiliar voice. I slowly turned and my eyes met a pair of reddish eyes. A dark girl with short green hair was giving me and innocent look. Was I supposed to be attracted to this?
I looked around. "Oh uh hey?"
She smiled. "Why are you all alone over here?" She asked.
"Well I was getting me and my friend some punch." I said holding up both cups.
"I see. I watched you dance. You're an OK dancer." She chuckled.
I rolled my eyes. "Thanks. Dancing isn't really my thing."
"She your date?" The girl asked pointing toward Nora, whom was laughing and dancing with Yang and Ruby.
I bit my lip slightly. "Yeah... Kinda..."
The girl raised her eyebrows and had an emotionless concern on her face.
"You seem hesitant. You don't like her being your date?"
"No no no. Its not like that. Shes my best friend. Me and her both didn't want or need a date so we came her together. Considering us dates."
She nodded and gave an intrigued look. "Interesting...." She murmured.
"Oh nothing. I'm Emerald by the way."
"Well since you don't consider her your date... Wanna dance?" Emerald stepped forward and ran her fingers down the edge of the arm. I leaned away as she leaned in.
"Uhhhh I don't think Nora will like that...."
Emerald stepped closer. Worry grew inside me. "Shes only your best friend right? No need to worry. She looks busy." Her head turned Nora's way. A tall boy with grey hair was chatting and dancing with Nora. She was smiling. Was he flirting?
Before I could speak, Emerald grabbed my arm and threw me onto the dance floor with her. This caused me to drop the cups of punch and fumble forward. We "danced" right next to Nora and that boy. Emerald and the boy exchanged glances. Did they know each other?
A slow song began. Emerald pulled me close and I glazed my hands over her sides. She had a good grasp on me. She didn't want me to dance with someone else, thats what it seemed like. I looked over at Nora. She had her eyes on the boy. He was giving her a charming smile.
"Your supposed to look over here silly." Emerald softly pulled my view to her. She smiled. I gave a thin lined smile. I was worried sickly.
Nora's p.o.v
While I waited on Ren this boy came up to me. He introduced himself as Mercury. Suddenly a slow song came on and a girl with mint green hair showed up dancing with Ren a few feet away.
I tried to pull away. "I think I wan-"
"Come on cutie. Give me one little dance. Your friend has a partner."
I was pulled back and he shifted my gaze to his brown eyes. He pulled a flirty and charming smile.
I looked back over at Ren and Mercury moved my chin with his hand so that I faced him once more. He had one hand on my lower back and his other hand on the edge of my shoulder. Naturally I found my hands placed on his shoulders. We danced silently for a bit.
Mercury spoke. "So cutie, tell me, how good are you at fighting?"
I was surprised by the sudden question. "I'd say I'm pretty good. Not Pyrrha good but close enough. I'm strong. I wield a war mallet."
He seemed interested. "Well I'd like to challenge you to your own words. Lets battle sometime."
I thought this over. "Hmm I don't know...."
He snickered. "C'mon don't you want to face a strong man like me?"
I rolled my eyes. "I'll think it over."
The song ended. "Well cutie. Tell me soon. We'll keep in touch." He slide his lower hand down and I slapped it away. "What the heck!?" I pulled away.
"Can't blame a man for trying." Mercury smiled.
"You're no man! You're still a boy!"
I stormed out into the hall. I needed to breath.
Mercury followed. The hall was empty except for me and him. I had my back against the wall.
"Cutie listen."
"I have a name. It's Nora."
"Nora, c'mon. Why go for that boring sly fox."
"Ren is a way better gentlemen than you!"
"Woah. You've only just met me."
"You've already given me a wrong impression with you being all touchy."
He sighed and practically pinned me against the wall.
"Will this make it up?" He leaned in and closed his eyes. I growled and kicked him between the legs. His cry of pain was loud and echoed. I ran back inside the dance, Mercury called out. "Any girl would want this!"
I spotted Ren. He looked as if he was looking for someone. I walked over to him with a small speed. "Hey. Looking for someone?"
He looked down at me. "Yeah you."
My cheeks flushed.
He looked away. "I wanted to dance with you some more but this girl got to me first. I felt bad."
My blush became noticeable.
"Oh uh I'm sure another slow song will come soon."
Mercury and the girl Ren was with walked over.
"You've rejected both of us." The girl hissed.
We said nothing.
"Wasn't very smart of you." Mercury snapped calmly.
"Wasn't smart of you to try and kiss me." I placed my hands on my hips.
Ren looked at me in shock but said nothing.
"Why reject it? Haven't you been kissed before? I'm sure those sweet pink lips have."
My blush grew. "It's none of your business if I have been."
Mercury circled me. "Hmm. Sure. Emerald. This place got boring. Lets go."
The girl or Emerald eyed me as she walked past, booty bumping me slightly.
I scowled. "Tonight is starting to suck..." I sighed and looked down.
"Hey." Ren called me. I looked up to his smile. "Lets not let them ruin tonight. Lets dance. I think someone requested a slow song we both know of." He winked.
I giggled. He grabbed my wrist and led us out to the middle of the dance floor. We danced for a few minutes until the colorful lights changed to dim solid lights and changed the mood. Everyone partnered up again as the slow song began. I gasped as soon as I heard it. "Ren! You didn't!" I smiled wide.
"I did." He gave a charming smile.
"For you. Why else?"
I blushed wildly. Ren placed his hands on my hips and I placed my hands on his broad shoulders. We swayed back and forth and side to side for the longest time. Midnight was dawning on the dance and more and more people began to leave. Some drunk of spiked punch. Some in puppy love.
Our eyes only looked at each other. Finally all was quiet and we were in a moment of each others company. We were hazed. My face began to hurt from smiling.
A hand was placed on Ren's shoulder. "Sorry to ruin the moment, but I believe the dance is over." Ozpin chuckled.
Ren and I blushed a bit. Ozpin gave Ren a conceded nod and me a smile. Ren pulled away from me and hid his face a bit. Even the strong silent type have the softest of sides. I blushed.
Ren's p.o.v.
I made this Nora's night. She was so happy. I hid my face because I didn't want her to see that I enjoyed this as well. I felt a tap of my upper arm. "Lets hurry home my feet hurt." Smiled Nora. I nodded. "Agreed."
We made our way out the doors and into the moonlit canvas of Beacon. Nora still held onto my arm. She yawned. "Tired?" I raised an eyebrow.
"Just a little. Dancing wore me out!" She looked up at me.
"I bet, you really shook it out on that dance floor."
She laughed. "Ren!"
I chuckled and kept walking.
Maybe tonight was one of the best I've had in a while.
Hope you enjoyed!!!! :3 more soon!!!

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