55)King without his Queen

Start from the beginning


Murphy could see that she was a little dazed. He stooped low, bringing his arm under her legs. She watched his movements. Murphy lifted her legs, his other arm braced behind back, and straighten up. He was now carrying her, the weight was heavy but bearable, Bellamy was going to have to pay for this later. He couldn't resist the urge to joke.

"There, now you're like a real princess"

Clarke looked at him strangely, he didn't know if it was the joke or if she was just out of it.

After a few minutes Murphy began to recognise the trees around him.


"Yeah. I know."

Murphy changed his direction, heading towards a dark moss covered rock. He placed Clarke down. She wobbled and stood unstably for a few moments. Murphy moved the moss aside revealing a black cave, and waited for Clarke to hobble in. As she passed him, she uttered a thanks. Murphy puffed out air and stepped through the entrance. Clarke collapsed against the back wall of the cave. She grunted as her back hit the hard rock, she rested for a moment. She looked at the arrow and then at Murphy.

"I need to take it out."

Murphy stood awkwardly by the entrance.

"You want me to help with that or...?"

She looked at Murphy like he'd just suggested they should go bungee jumping with Grounders.

"Guessing that's a yes."

He slung his gun round and placed it on the floor.

"You don't want to wait for Bellamy or something?"

She gave him another look.

"I need you to make some bandages."

"This is my only t-shirt."

Ok, she was really glaring at him now.

Murphy made about 5 bandages, hoping that it would be enough. Clarke sat patiently, watching him. He moved to her side. Looking her in the eye, he asked if she was ready. She responded with a nod. Murphy place the bandages in Clarke's hand and reached for the arrow. In quick succession he snapped the head of the arrow off and the end. He then reached for the rest of the arrow. Clarke huffed out air and clenched her teeth on her jacket sleeve. Murphy pulled as quick as he could. Clarke cried out into the jacket, before breathing heavily. Murphy chucked the arrow away, before reaching for the bandages. Clarke got there first, wrapping them tight. Murphy leaned back on his heels, that's when he heard it. Footsteps. He reached for his gun, but too late the moss covering the cave moved to the side. And in stepped Bellamy.


Murphy breathed in.

"No, just me."

Beside Murphy Clarke moved, she breathed out.


He rushed to her side.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah, i'm fine."

Murphy rolled his eyes at the lovesick couple, even though they were practical sleeping in each others beds and making lovey-dovey eyes every time they saw one another, they wouldn't admit it. Bellamy spoke breaking Murphy's thoughts.

"I think its safe out there now. We're not far from camp we should start walking."

He paused, glancing at Clarke.

"Can you walk?"

She nodded her head and rose, before completely failing at walking. Murphy decided to intervene.

"You could carry her."



Murphy almost jumped back at their answer, they practical spat at him.

"Is it that bad an idea? She can't walk, so you carry her and I protect your backs."

Bellamy shifted to Clarke, she shrugged, Bellamy turned back to Murphy.

"Ok, Lets go with your idea"

After a lot of faffing, Bellamy finally managed to get her on his back. Soon after getting on to Bellamy's back Clarke fell asleep, her head resting on his shoulder. Her face nuzzled against his neck and her hair falling over his torso. Bellamy had a tight grip on her thighs, mindful of her wound and her arms relaxed around the front of his neck. Now it was just Bellamy and Murphy walking. In silence.


Murphy trailed off, but Bellamy picked it up.


Murphy almost stopped walking, Bellamy kept talking.

"I mean it, you got her out of there and kept her safe. So...thanks."

Murphy felt a smirk grow on his face, He could see the edge of camp now.

"Of course I saved her. What would happen to you if she died?"

Bellamy paused at that.


Murphy carried on.

"After all..." Murphy turned and gave a shit-eating smile

"What's a King without his Queen?"

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