"Someone has got to make sure Alcor doesn't escape," Ford's voice was as monotone as one could get, it pissed Alcor off.

"You think the worst think I could do is just escape? If you are going to treat me like a criminal, at least be more creative and give me a little more credit. Say that I would go mad and start murdering orphans or something."

"Dipper!" Mabel snapped.

"What?" Alcor's voice was mockingly innocent to which she responded by rolling her eyes.

"I swear, both of you are so childish-" suddenly a ringtone interrupted Mabel, and she reached for her back pocket. With rushed steps, she walked out of the room, her warmth disappearing with her as fast as it came.

"Who was calling?" Ford raised an eyebrow and Alcor just shrugged. "She seemed onedge."

"I guess," Alcor shrugged and turned his attention back to the window. Bill was sure taking his time.

The only sound that could be heard was the ticking of the clock on the wall and after around twenty minutes, Alcor started to wonder who Mabel was on the phone with.

The walls in the shack were thin, and mumbling could be heard from the other room. Not loud enough for Alcor to tell what exactly Mabel was saying, but also not quiet enough for it not to be obvious that the call was not bringing good news.

A few minutes passed and the door was opened again and Alcor could almost not recognize his own sister. Mabel had a tormented look on her face, clutching the phone in one hand while the other curled in a fist.

She almost could not bring herself to look up when she spoke. "Grunkle, can we... can we talk in the other room?"

Alcor looked frantically from Mabel to Ford, trying to get any hint on what was happening. Ford put his newspaper down and frowned. "Alcor can't be left unsupervised-"

"Stanford," Mabel looked up at her great uncle with lightning in her eyes, ready to strike if he were to say or do the wrong thing.

With a barely audible gulp, Ford stood up from his seat and walked to the other room, leaving Alcor alone.

Alcor POV

I was actually alone for once, which would normally be something I would be grateful for if that hadn't just happened.

I guess I shouldn't be too nosy, it might be some family issues, I shrugged and sighed. All I do is sleep, eat, and like walk around the house, I'm literally like a dog! And they don't even take me out to walks!

Wait a goddamn minute, I am part of the family too! I reminded myself and my head jerked up towards the door where they had left.

I'm not gonna lie, sometimes I do forget that these are actually my blood relatives, not that you can blame me, when have they ever acted like such? Okay, maybe I'm being a bit too hard on them, Stanley and Ford hadn't really done anything much other than lock me in a cage.

...That isn't really a good thing either, is it?

"God, when is Bill gonna come pick me up?!" I said out loud as if I yelled loudly enough, Bill would actually show up.

But instead, Mabel and Ford walked inside the room again, this time with Stan following close behind. Stan was pale, while Ford was glaring at the ground like the carpet had murdered his entire family.

"What is going on?" I asked. "And don't tell me it's nothing because since I now also live in this house I have the same rights as all of you, unless you're homophobic."

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