Chapter 6: Family reunion and world peace

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George cried as Flam explained what had happened; joselito was dead at the time he fell into a coma; he could have saved more but there was nothing he could do; theodore, on the other hand, had felt sympathy for his father and was saddened by the fact that George's only brother had passed away Flam and Game went to their hotel to be alone for a time, but as they were leaving the hospital, Theodore halted them.

Theodore: "Fellow Gentlemen, may I invite you in for a cup of tea while we talk?"

Game and flam replied with a yes afterwards they went back inside

Theodore: "So, where did you people come from?"

Flam:i'm originally live in the city cost of vinceburg at swazland at the continent parx, but now me and my friend where designated in republic of lagron it's just off the coast of jonesburg, how about you sir

Theodore:First, call me "Teo," and second, I've lived in jonesburg since I was born.This jonesburg, i've witnessed jonesburg grow this place wast filled with high rising skyscraper, however before it was full of shattered buildings and turmoil, i'm glad this place has turned into a haven.

Flam:My father used to talk about this location, and I'm pleased he did.

Theodore: how about you game where are you from?

Game :im from vernaich at continete parx, trust me you wouldt like there, its under the enemies rule


Flam: yes haven't you heard of them? its the nozist

Theodore: oh now i remember

Game :They've captured all of Parx continente and some of Lagron in the last ten years, They retreated back to Parx after the 32nd division defeated them, and many people had died, including my family and flam's parents.

Theodore: i'm sorry to hear that

Flam: its fine

As they all sip tea, the chatting continues. They had a conversation and became great friends; they chatted for hours as the tea eventually ran out . Soon after, Theodore, flam and gamer got up and decided to go to George to see him,by the time they arrived they saw him holding the only picture of him and joselito together still stunned of what happen,by the time they arrived they saw him holding the only picture of him and joselito together still stunned of what happen

George: You do have close resemblance to your father flam.

He then gets up, and theodore assists George in getting up. After he gets up, he embraces Flam. and said

George: "welcome back ones again"

The next day, when George returned to work at the Monte.clarko Gun Corp., everyone on the main floor greeted him and welcomed him back. On February 11, another friend of George's, Vincente Chaves Hernandez, heard the news from the wallpaper and rushed to the company's main building to see if the news wasn't a hoax. Then standing at the CEO's office facing at the windows, george then looks at vicente, vicente then approaches george with a hug and george, had numerous plans in mind, one of which was to re-stabilize his company, but with Vicente by his side, they knew it would be a challenge, but they would overcome it.vicente has seen the ups and downs in George's life as well as his firm, but they are still comrades and aid each other.... But for now well set aside it for now

Years had passed, and the monte.clarko corp had begun to thrive again. George had died, and the new ceo was vincente, a long-time friend of George's. George told Vincente that before he died, he should teach George how to handle the company and how to be a great leader, and then vincente could hand the company over to theodore, but for the time being, Vnicente would lead the company.Gamer had risen to the rank of captain general, while flam had risen to the rank of lieutenant general, and the two had quickly vanquished the Nozist. On august 1 1906 the treaty of vernaich was sign stating the nozist defeat on the war, the world had peace once again, game decided to still work on the military while flam decided to study in college for naval architecture. Peace had returned to the world, but it would only last a few years before another uprising happened, bringing tyranny to the world once more....

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