....honestly, you had no idea what you were feeling. Why was this so... nice to look at?? You should feel sorry for his helpless state, helping him out of the kerfuffle asap, but for some reason his embarrassed expression and tied up body were kind of... cute? It was rare to see him this quiet and vulnerable, and you were taking it in.

Sundrop cocked his head to the side, as if to ask why you weren't helping, which signaled to you that you'd been staring. "Oh!! Sorry..." you felt your face flush as you hastefully started untying the ropes, starting at the ones around his torso.

He flinched a little as you dug your hands underneath them, causing them quite close contact with his stomach. "You ok? Did I hurt you?" You questioned, pausing in your tugging to look down at him in concern. "No no! I'm fine! It was just a little sudden..." you nodded and continued to pull on the ropes.

Meanwhile, Sundrop felt like he was going to lose it. Your hands were soft and radiated that heat that humans gave off directly onto him, carefully finding the spots that needed to be freed and gently untying them, your fingers brushing slightly against him every now and then. He knew that if it were possible, he'd be bright red right now, the attention that was being given to his body was making him feel dizzy, and his ventilation was audibly whirring due to overheating.

You had noticed this. He was burning to the touch and he had started to breath heavily, sometimes flinching or wincing. And oooooh boy, was this doing something to you... you couldn't possibly have a thing for this animatronic, could you..?

You had successfully freed the upper part of his body, so you moved your hands downward to work on the lower part, secretly eager to see how he'd react.

...at this point Sundrop knew he was in deep trouble.

While working on the ropes around his hips, you had "accidentally" brushed over his crotch area, which sent him over the edge. He flinched aggressively and instinctually jolted his hips upward, trying as hard as he could to stifle any noise that could come out, but unable to keep it all back. He made a short whine, before his eyes widened, noticing what he'd done. He panicked, beginning to make glitchy, skipping sounds, while internally kicking himself on how uncomfy he'd just made the situation.

"SO SORRY-SORRY-SORRRYR!!! I DOn'T KNOW WHA-A-T THAT WASsSsS!!!!" Sundrop squawked out, his voice glitching a noticable amount.

....ok yea you knew what was going on now. And honestly? You were curious. You could feel that bubbling warmth building in your lower stomach, and you wanted to see how this would go. There were no humans in the building, after all...

"It's ok, Sunny, I'm liking it too~" You purred, reaching your hand down to touch his cheek, which felt like it was about to burst into flames.

He made a loud "GAH!" noise upon contact, and began to quiver a little. "WHA---AT??? WHY???? YOu DON'T H-A-VE TO PrETeND TO RETURN MY WE-I-I-RFE E LI NGSsS!!!!!!!"

you got onto your knees, trying to balance on the flimsy rope bridge, and landed a small kiss on the robot's forehead. "No, I do return them." You held his face in your hands. Sundrop looked like he'd melted. His eyes were half lidded and his smile became flustered and goofy, his speakers letting out a happy, high-pitched purring sound. "R-e-a l lY??"

"Mm-hmm~! Can I keep touching you, cutie?" You traced a hand down hid chest and to his lower stomach, which made him flinch and make a sound that you could only call a verbal keysmash. "yE S, p LEA se!!!"

You obliged, pressing your palm onto that area again, rubbing in small circles as you pressed the fabric of his fluffy pants into... whatever could be under there. Sundrop squirmed around under your touch, his arms and legs were still restrained, so it wasn't like he could pull you away or squeeze his legs shut, he was just completely exposed, Feeling the jolts of pleasure coarse through him. The sounds he made already sounded ruined, the room filling up with desperate cries and whimpers.

After a while you began to tug at his pants, pulling them down just enough to reveal what could be underneath...

There was a square hatch that seemed slightly jammed open, as if something wanted to come out. Upon opening it, you were met with a long, tentacle-esque appendage made of yellow silicone. It was sparking a bit, and there was a thick fluid of the same color coming from the top already.

After a while of you poking and prodding at the part, Sundrop got impatient, letting out a long whine in protest of the limited contact. "PleAsE, TtTto u ch..?" he pleaded, writhing from the understimulation.

You'd decided you liked what you heard, and you wanted to hear it more. "Hmmmm... beg~" You ordered, teasingly ghosting your hands over the appendage.

Sundrop made a frustrated whine before beginning to talk again. "PL-l-ea sE?! I 'm-M BEGGING you!! Make me feel good!! I'll make you feel it too, just please PLEASE touch me..." it seems the glitching had stopped... good. This is the part you'll want to hear loud and clear after all~

"Good boy." You began to pump up and down his base, granting you more, less glitchy, sounds of desperation which only got you more and more worked up as time went on. Eventually you decided to flick your tounge across the tip, licking up some of the metallic-tasting fluid that had started to come out. This garnered quite the reaction, as robotic hands had begun to grip at your hair, as Sundrop pleaded for "more" over and over again, as if dazed.

You wrapped your mouth around the appendage, relishing in the cries coming from the robot, which were progressively getting quieter, more resembling the sound a sad dog would make, as he subconsciously bucked into your mouth.

You removed your mouth from him, garnering another protestful whine, before replacing it with your hand as you unbuckled your belt. "Wanna cum in me~?" You slid your jeans off and positioned yourself over him, internally bracing yourself for taking it... wait, didn't you see it sparking earlier..? Well, what a way to go....
Sundrop made a sort of excited whirring noise before nodding with vigor.

You slowly lowered yourself onto him, gasping as the long appendage filled you to your brim, accompanied by a soft buzzing feeling. It definitely felt... different. Different, but not bad. After adjusting yourself, you began to move, gripping onto his waist for leverage. The more you sped up, the more he pleaded, making frantic yelps and squeaks of pure euphoria while begging for release.

After a while you came, Feeling that high wash over your senses as you tightened around him. It didn't take long after for him to follow suit, filling you with that faintly buzzing substance as he made another loud, verbal keysmash-like noise.

You both just stayed there, panting for a bit. "Go L ly, tH at WAs Am a ZiNg, tH-H-anK yo u~" You could hardly hear what Sundrop was saying over the thick layer of static coming from his speakers. You removed yourself from him, and after putting both your pants back on (as well as putting his 'thing' back in it's hatch.) You began untying him again.

Eventually, he was fully free, and the first thing he did was coil both his long arms around you and pulling you into a hug. You could hear the whirring coming from his chest, which almost reminded you of purring. Honestly you just wanted to fall asleep there, but you knew you should probably go home now, so you cut away from him, leaving another peck on his forehead before turning around to exit the jungle gym.

"See you tomorrow, sunshine~" You waved at Sundrop, noticing his slight reaction to the nickname.

"Bye, pretty!!!" He held his hands up to his face in a swoony way before lifting one of them up to cheerfully wave goodbye.

Just as you were leaving the room, you heard him call out again.

"Remember to leave the light on, ok!?"

"I will, just like always!" You called back. He reminded you to leave them on every time you did lockdown, even if you didn't fully enter the room... could it have something to do with..?

....nah, couldn't be..

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