Tied up

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Author's note: so yea basically you fuck an animatronic sun clown in a jungle gym- for my own writing ability's sake, I decided to pretend that he can move his mouth for this fic. Also, if anyone wants moondrop, let me know. 👀

It was just about as normal as your lockdown shift could get working here. When you first took the job at the pizzaplex you had no idea what was going on or why the animatronics got so.... weird after closing, but after a while, you began to get used to it, even if just a little.

One by one, you made your way through the building, locking doors one by one. Whenever you would do an animatronic's room, though, you would at least peek in to check on them. Maybe it was fear, maybe concern, and maybe it was both, but it made you feel at ease to do it.

After a while, you made it to the daycare. You quietly opened the door, poking your head in and looking around for a bit. Surprisingly, The attendant wasn't anywhere in sight. Usually he would run directly to you like how an excited dog would, but this time, the room was strangely quiet.

You sighed before cautiously entering the room to look around, trying hard not to let the worst-case scenarios whirring through your head get to you. See, you'd heard... things about him. Whether it be complaints, rumors among coworkers, or even those times you'd pass by the lightless doors and hear things that almost sounded like scratching or faint laughter, he, not unlike most of the others, had a bit of a reputation, and you didn't want to risk anything.

"...hello..?" You called out into the echoey room, trying your best to keep your composure as you took slow, shaky steps down the hall.


You almost jumped out of your skin as the animatronic swung down from the top of the jungle gym, dangling by his legs and waving both hands in the air enthusiastically.

You took a moment to start breathing again before pointing your finger up at him scoldingly. "You little- what was that for?! You scared me half to death!"

Sundrop only curled back up into a sitting stance on top of the metal bar and grinned down at you, resting his head on his hands. "Just thought I'd surprise my faaaaavorite helper!!"

It always felt so... weird when he called you that, strange but also kind of good somehow. See, it wasn't uncommon for you to be the one assigned to help monitor the daycare, and Sundrop had seemed to take a liking to you. Playing around with you to make you jump or laugh, getting absolutely extatic whenever you offered to help with an activity, and in general, just seeming extra happy around you. And honestly you'd be lying if you said you didn't have a soft spot for him and his playful antics.

"...I'll let it go for now, but don't jump out like that in the middle of the night again."

"...maybe~" he leaned back in a careless, teasing sort of way, kicking his legs a little which, unknown to him, caught one of his pointy shoes under one of the colorful ropes making up the bridge, toppling him over into the ropes.

"I'm ok!!! Just a little tangled up is all, haha!!" Sundrop struggled to free himself, his metallic parts making clanging sounds as he failed around helplessly.

"...a little help??!?"

This actually wasn't uncommon. Given how long and slinky his body was, and how often he would excitedly fling it about, he got stuck all the time.

You made your way through the jungle gym, squeezing past the tiny spaces that made themselves painfully obvious as to not being made for adults, and eventually made your way to Sundrop, who had ironically only tangled himself up more in his struggle. There were rainbow-colored ropes winding all the way down his arms and legs, as well as scattered strands tied around his hips and torso, rendering it almost impossible for him to move. He let out an embarrassed chuckle, averting his eyes to the ground, away from your gaze.

just a Sun/Moondrop smut fic, keep scrolling.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя