Hisokas cock and balls.

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You suddenly wake up in a basement.. or maybe it is a dungeon? You really aren't sure but it really doesn't matter anyway, because you suddenly remember what happened just a few hours ago. 

You hear steps coming from above you and you feel little panicked, you try to get up and leave but you realise that you are cuffed from your hands and feet. You struggle little bit as you try to get the cuffs off. Then he... the clown comes from the basements.. or dungeo's door. 

"HmhhmMmhmhHMh- 🌹" Hisoka moans as he realises you are awake. "Where am i?" You ask carefully. "You are in heaven", Hisoka asnwers and smiles at you. "Well heaven doesn't really handcuff people but ok", your voice has little sarcasm in it. "I can turn this place into hell real quick so you better be good", Hisoka anwsers with anger in his voice. You feel little startled.

------The next day-------

Your stomach starts to crumble little bit and you feel hungry. You wonder if you are ever gonna get food down here. At the same second you hear Hisoka coming down to you.

 He walks to you and gives you a plate of... food, that actually looks really good. You look at the food little suspicouly. Hisoka notices this and says:- "Why would i ever poison your food? I need you down here with me, so i won't kill you,, anytime soon."

You look at Hisoka then the food he gave you. You decide 'fuck it' and start eating it, you can feel hoe the hunger starts to vanish as you eat. Hisoka looks at you as you eat and you can hear him,,, purring??? Is this creep purring at me while i am eating. It is actually kinda.... cute, so you decide to not comment on it while you keep eating. 

As you finish eating he smiles at you and you smile little back. Suddenly he throws the plate on the wall and it bREAKS. "THAT'S FUCKING EXPESSIVE", you yell at him. "Why should you care? It's my money and baby i am RICH with the big R", Hisoka purrs. You realise that, that it really is true sooo.... "So if you're so rich,,, why won't you buy me a lambhorgini?" you ask. "Why would i spent my money on YOU???" Hisoka asks clearly confused and little angry. "BECAUSE... you can?" you say. "IU won't you stupid bitch", Hisoka anwsers. "I should have let you DIE because of my fart earlyer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Hisoka screams. You start to tear up and feel little hurt. 

You start scream crying and Hisoka watches you while you do so. "STOP WHIMPERING BITCH OR I HAVE TO STUFF MY BALLS AND COCK IN YOUR MOUTH", Hisoka shouts. "DO IT THEN PUSSY", you scream thru your tears. Hisoka looks at yoiu and throws his pants off and thrusts his balls in your mouth-. 

You start moaning litlle bit and Hisoka does the same. But unfortunetly because hisoka is a man this lasts only like 2sec. You look at Hisoka as he puts his pants back on. "The fastets", you say. Hisoka runs out of the room while sobbing and at the same time he realises his most fattest, moistiest, putriest, nasties and the most toxic ass shit in the room where you are as a prison. 

You start to feel like your heart stops beating and you canno't breathe anymore, just like last time. You feel your eyes tearing up beacuse of the smell and you are not sure how to react. You miss Hisokas strong daddy arms and feel a little lony.

A single tear drop falls off of your cheek as you whisper in the air: "I will always love you Hisoka"

// Aaw i am so sorry this is so short 웃  But i really couldn't make anything up as a just snorted ton of cocaine and i feel like i am going to explode.

But we will see in the next chapter and as if right now i'll go call myself an ambulance, see ya!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2021 ⏰

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