Some random headcannons i have

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Ned tries teaching Peter :
- How to cook so he won't die of starvation
-How to say certain phrases in Tagalog with little success

They both raise each other's self esteem.

They are both each other's biggest supporter, even if it includes public humiliation.

Peter teaches Ned self defense just in case he gets attacked.

Peter will not fight back when he's the one getting bullied, but if someone bullies or lays a hand on Ned, he goes into full on attack mode.

Ned is the best hugger, and Peter is probably the better kisser.

They are both so affectionate with one another.

It took an insane amount of time to get them together, but now there are more inseparable than before.

They will never stop calling each other bro, even when dating.

Since they are best friends, they know each other's ideal date and hence make perfect dates.

Peter can't thermoregulate like a spider and Ned is a human oven.

Peter is allergic to peppermint and Ned loves them but is willing to stop eating them for Peter.

I guess that's all I have for now.😅🥰

Feel free to send in prompts for me to write. 🥺🥰

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