Chapter 6 - Cold Eyes

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Chapter 6 - Cold Eyes

After our performance we all decided to head out to the back of the house. I told Stephen to meet me there as I made my way to the bathroom. I walked towards the staircase where people were dancing upon and you could practically smell the lust in the air. I tried to make my way around them but it seemed impossible. They all grinded up against each other like no more tomorrow. I laughed at the sight of a guy making out with some random chick and you could clearly see the erection in his pants, but the moment was ruined when the girl vomited in his mouth. It was disgusting but it sure as hell was hilarious! After what seemed like hours, I finally got to the top of the stairs and made my way to the bathroom only to find it locked. I groaned in frustration and exhaustion. I was about to knock on the door when I heard moaning coming from the other side of it. I scrunched up my face in disgust and made my way to another door and thank goodness it was a bathroom that wasn't being used for sexual pleasures but I could smell sweat and prostatic fluid lingering the room, so it must of been used earlier.

After doing my business and making my way dreadfully down the stairs again, I made my way to the back of the house when I heard yelling coming from it. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion at what all that shouting could be about. I tried to get to the back door but I kept colliding with people grinding up against me or each other. As I kept trying to get to the door the smell of alcohol, sweat and lust filled the air of the entire house. When I finally reached the back door I slid it open and closed my eyes as felt the wind whip me in the face, I sighed in relief at the fresh smell of grass consuming me.

I opened my eyes and looked out in the backyard to see the guys tensed with their fists clenched hard and scowls on their faces. None of them seemed to have noticed that I was in the backyard, they all seemed to be having silent conversations. I turned to see what they were looking at and realized they were staring at Stephen. Though he seemed unfazed by their expressions and just held a proud smirk on his face. Deven's expression was most terrifying and his fists were clenched so hard they were trembling. If looks could kill then Stephen's body would probably be scattered in tiny pieces across the yard. I started to get worried for everyone's safety so I made my way over to them feeling disoriented and uneasy.

"What's up?" I asked them calmly trying not to make them jump at me.

Everyone was still tensed and shooting daggers at Stephen with their eyes. They didn't even glance in my direction. After a few more minutes Deven was first to look away from him to lock his eyes with mine. His once warm ocean blue eyes were now cold dark and blank. I grimaced at the sight of it. His eyes softened a little and I could see pain inflicted in them and something else that I couldn't make out.... He turned his face away from mines to look at Stephen again, it seemed like Stephen was telling something to Deven through his eyes while his smirk grew wider. Deven's face harden more then I thought possible, he turned away quickly and made his way towards the back gate that led to the front of the house.

Before he got out of sight he turned and looked at me again. His eyes seemed to twinkle with somethnig I didn't recognize and then it looked like there was guilt, pain and lost flashing across his eyes. After a moment he reluctantly turned away from me and opened the gate. The darkness consumed him and I could no longer see his figure, I felt my heart drop at that and I didn't understand why.

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