- the boys during christmas time: headcannon

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a/n: i was going to wait until christmas eve or christmas to post this but i can't wait any longer so here you go! and happy holidays to you all!

description: how these goofballs are during Christmas time :))))))))

- the boys decorating the christmas tree together

- alex being unsatisfied with the boys' decorating skills

- alex: "guys... the colors need to be spread out!"

- reggie calling dibs on putting the star on the tree

- alex and luke carefully explaining to reggie that santa claus isn't real

- reggie being flabbergasted and asking many questions

- reggie: "so if santa's not real.... WHO'S been eating the cookies and milk?!"

- alex and luke laughing nervously

- luke singing All I Want For Christmas Is You at the top of his lungs

- the guys getting annoyed with him

- alex: "maybe you should leave the singing to mariah."

- reggie: "yeah, dude! you're gonna make me hate the song!"

- luke being lowkey offended

- luke: "thanks a lot for the support guys."

- doing secret santa gifts

- luke got reggie, reggie got alex & alex got luke

- luke got reggie some flannels

- reggie got alex his own skateboard [ so he can be like his manz;) ]

- and alex got luke some hoodies

- luke: "hey alex, thanks man these are really cool!"

- alex: "yeah, yeah. thought I'd get you some clothes that actually have sleeves."

- reggie bursting out into laughter

- luke: "very funny."


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⏰ Ultima actualizare: May 31 ⏰

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