Chapter 21 - Demonic singing winding around the beam

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Everyone looked at him with hopeful faces. Jungkook really couldn't refuse, so he promised to go to the KTV with them. He made it clear, however, that he would not sing.

He rapidly discovered, though, that each and every employee of Fantasy Wardrobe was a mic hog. Even if he wanted to sing, they might not necessarily give him the chance to.

He glanced at Lisa who was sitting beside him. He asked her, "Are you not going to sing?"

Lisa shook her head. "I don't listen to songs often, and the songs I can sing are few in number. I don't want to go up and lose face."

The site manager heard her say this and clapped her hands, saying, "After the next song, let Lisa sing! Ha, reserve it for her!"

Lisa: "..."

What hatred...what enmity...

Jungkook stifled a laugh and said to her, "You better hurry and think of a song to sing later."

Lisa: "..."

The songs she could sing really was few. After flipping through the song directory for a good while, she didn't know why the first song to appear in her mind was that first song Nan Si had sung.

"Lisa, have you chosen one yet? Yuri is almost done!"

Hearing her colleague's urging voice, Lisabvery quickly tried to find the song 《Ending Scene 》. She clicked on it.

"Okay, okay."

Yuri's song had coincidentally just finished, and the soothing prelude for the next song quickly began playing.

Jian Yan took the mic her colleague offered and immediately began singing along to the music.

"Hi, it's been a while. There's no question mark in your voice, it's so you. As if it's a rule, your seat is always the same, by the cold entrance. Make sure you eat well, because it'll all pass."

While Lisa sang, Justin's voice continually resounded through her mind. She subconsciously began emulating Justin's style at some parts of the song.

Jungkook gazed at her the whole time from his seat on the sofa, a faint smile at the corners of his lips.

Once the song finished, her colleagues applauded especially loud in praise. Lisa held the mic to the side and coughed. She said to everyone, "For the next song, I solemnly invite Director J to sing. Please welcome him, everyone!"

At this moment, everyone just realized that Director J had not sung this whole time. They all began booing.

Jungkook remained calm in the face of this and said, "It's better if I don't sing. I am tone deaf. It'll be no good if I scare all of you away."

"Director J, your voice is so pleasant to the ear. How can you possibly be tone deaf."

Lisa definitely didn't plan on allowing him to hoodwink them like this. Just a moment ago, the site manager had called for her to sing a song, and he had even thrown stones at someone who had fallen down a well, so now she was exacting her revenge.

All her colleagues agreed and said, "What Lisa said is right! Director J, your voice is so pleasant to the ear, so how can you possibly be tone deaf. Don't think that because we haven't studied much, you can deceive us!"

Jungkook muttered irresolutely to himself for a moment. In the end, he walked up to take the mic from Lisa's extended hand. "Fine, since you all want to hear me sing so much, I'll sing a song. I hope you all don't regret it."

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