Chapter One

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The next day things just went from bad to worse.

It was the first day of school, and I just HAD to fall out of bed onto the purple and black tile-like, sheetrock floor.

"OWWWWWW-DAMMIT!!" I screamed.

As I regained my sanity (as long as my throbbing head would allow it), I trudged my way to the closed closet doors where the washer and dryer were kept and slid them open, opened the lid of the washer and began the process of putting my clothes in the dryer, and then notice something that send me flying into fits of rage. ALL OF MY FUCKING CLOTHES ARE BLEACHED! Even Grandma Hoagie's ugly, nasty woolen "Kiss me I'm Irish" sweater, and the vomit-green matching slacks (complete with patches and holes, since she hadn't bothered to fix them). With my head still pounding, from the floor, I limp my way down the almond-stained chartreuse, and ivory granite tile to the kitchen, and open the fridge door, expecting to find a multitude of edibles, like there usually is. The fridge was barren, like nobody had lived here for months.

The day was just beginning, but I was already having an awful day! Mandy, must have been truly pleased with herself. She had succeeded in making my life even more of a living hell. I missed my bus, courtesy of a sleepless night. My hair was a black and purple-streaked mess of frizzy, knotted tangles. Also: it decided that it was t going to cooperate, and now I look like a short, hairy man-child.


My cell phone fell into the toilet. Plop.

"Great! Along with all of the other shit things that have happened to me in the past few hours, my phone is now floating in the toilet bowl covered in sewer water. I cannot possibly suppress my joy and happiness." Hopefully you can that's sarcasm...

Wait: Reality Check: Get this:

I had to play a game of "beat-the-clock" also known as reckless driving. In my rush to get to the school on time, I kind-of forgot to put shoes on!


I finally arrived at school, and as I stepped out of my car (actually, I kind-of slipped and skidded a bit until I could manage my weight properly). Mud. I slipped on mud. of all the things that could of happened: I slipped on fucking mud. Jesus Christ, is the world out to get me or something?!

Anyhow, the late bell was ringing, and I figured since in this late already, why not be late again some more...

I went to the nurse's office looking like an short, overgrown man-child and there was no one there (I actually had no way of getting inside of the building, since it was locked. I peered in, and there were no lights. All I saw was a dark, desolate hallway full of lockers, where I was supposed to be getting to class.

It's Monday. I hate Mondays. Maybe that's the reason why the whole world seems to be against me (at this moment in time)? Who knows. I go home to the small apartment my family shares and unlock the door to 3B. I flop down on the couch, soaking wet and then realize: what if I'm in an alternate universe because I screwed up and did something absolutely horrible. 

It might be my second chance at doing the right thing :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2016 ⏰

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