CHAPTER FIVE: Days Of Our Lives

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Amelia couldn't stop looking. She didn't stop looking as long as he was in her eyesight. "


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THE new semester had come with new challenges and Amelia found Chemistry to be one of them. As she stared at the board, chin in hand trying to understand the Bohr's atomic model Mr. Cobwell had started to teach them, she thought about Academic Decathalon. Her sister used to participate in them in her school back in D.C and when Amelia had learned about the team of Midtown upon arriving, she had signed herself up. Something to make her feel closer to her sister.

Chemistry had turned out to be one of her favorite subjects as she moved forward with her studies and she knew her sister would have been proud, because once upon a time Amelia had hated chemistry.

"Today we're talking about Danish physicist Niels Bohr . . . but trust me, there's nothing Bohr-ing . . . about his discoveries regarding quantum theory."

As she listened intently, she thought about what she was going to say to Monika. No doubt the three of them would fall in a familiar rhythm when they saw each other again but there were things that needed to be said. Monika and Amelia shared an apartment and on days after they had had a fight, the apartment would feel as if it was holding its breath. It was a waiting game to see who apologized first ─ it was Amelia, mostly. Today though, Amelia had been very alone. Monika had already left, a tacky yellow post-it saying Bye! stuck to the fridge.

Amelia shook her head as if to discard these thoughts and returned back to her notebook, continuing to jot down the lesson.

As expected, Gemma and Monika were waiting outside her class as soon as it got over. Monika and Amelia looked at each other, and Gemma came to the realization of the ongoing cold war. She stepped in. As the trio headed towards lunch, Gemma launched into a completely absurd story that seemed unreal ─ so much so that Monika asked if some PCP-crazed madman had told her this story. Gemma said no, just some guy from Staten Island on the ferry. The two girls laughed whole-heartedly at this, though it wasn't supposed to be funny.

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