Getting used to things

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Genya POV

It's been a while since we've been here and we're starting to get used to it. Me and Muchiro have been talking a lot more to, but that usually doesn't happen until he needs an excuse to ignore someone. 

Nemi hasn't been as mean to me either. Now I can actually talk with him for a short amount of time before things go back to normal. Tanjiro and Zenitsu have been spending a lot of time with Nezuko now that she can speak and walk in the sun. Though it still feels strange to be here, after we arrived we haven't seen any demons here either. 'I wonder if they don't exist here?' I wonder how things are going back home.

"Oi. Why are you looking at the floor like an idiot." When I looked up I saw Nemi looking at me with an annoyed expression. "S-sorry. I'm just wondering if Gyomei and the master are ok." I could tell he was a bit wary of my answer before he turned around and left. "He needs to learn how to calm down." I jumped a bit and when I stand up and look behind me I saw Muchiro. 

"Anyway the girl said that she was gonna take us to the school since no one knows where it is....what was her name again." 

"S-she said it was Faith and thanks for letting me know." Muchiro gave me a small smile before leaving. I felt my face heat up when he smiled and I looked away when he did. It was only when a voice suddenly spoke up from behind me that I snapped out of my thoughts. "I didn't know you were gay Genya." When I turned around I saw Fait on the stairs with a slight smirk. "What does that mean?"

Faith POV

"What does that mean?" I was surprised he didn't know what being gay meant then I remembered the whole Taisho era thing, and being gay wasn't introduced to the public until the 1970s. "It means that you like males in a romantic way." I saw his eyes slightly widened and his face was a bit red. "But I thought only a male and a female were allowed to be together." 

"That may be how it is where you come from but here you're allowed to like whoever you want without being judged by most. Everyone I know doesn't shame me for it." 

I could see he was a bit curious about what I meant. "What do you mean no one shame you for it are you gay too?" I couldn't help but giggle at Genya's attempt at understanding what I was talking about. "First of all when two girls like each other it's called being lesbian, and second I'm bisexual which means I like guys and girls." I could tell he was starting to understand what I meant the more I talked about it.

Eventually, my conversation with Genya was interrupted by my phone ringing. "Sorry Genya I got to take this." I went to my backyard to get some privacy before answering my phone.


"Why haven't you called!" 

I didn't even get to finish saying hello before my sister started to go off on me. "I know, I know I'm sorry Charlotte. I've just been busy." After she left for college she's been worried about leaving me alone in the house, and the orphanage problem. "Busy? Did the school reopen?" 'Shoot I forgot she doesn't know.' Naturally, my sister doesn't know about the other people living with me, and even if I did tell her what would I say? One day a random group of people came looking for a place to stay and now their living with me. She would kill me if she found out about the others. "Yeah, it's reopening in 3 weeks I've been busy getting my books and other materials." 

"Ok...but remember to take it easy, I hope that crazy science teacher isn't there anymore." "No I hear he got fired, but I don't know if it's true. Anyway, how-" 

"Faith do you know where the bandages are?" While I was on the phone Aoi came outside asking for bandages. "Who's that?" 

"Uh-It's just a new friend anyway I got to go bye." When I walked into the kitchen it turns out that Mitsuri had accidentally cut herself when making lunch for everyone. I got the small first aid kit I keep in one of the drawers because I'm really bad with knives. Thankfully the cut wasn't that deep but it was still bleeding. When Aoi cleaned the cut I gave her a small bandage, when I did she looked at me a bit confused. I could tell Mitsuri was confused as well but she was one of the few of us who actually knows about them being in the future. 

"This is the type of bandages we have here, there used for small cuts and scrapes and they come in different sizes." When I showed Aoi how to put the bandage on her finger she looked a bit relieved. "Well, at least I don't have to worry about the bandage falling off as much."

A few minutes later

Since it's been a while I decided to take Felix to the park. It's a little bit far away so I'll have to drive. When Felix saw me grab his leash he ran back inside using the doggy door and sat next to me wagging his tail. "Heading somewhere?" When I turned to the source of the voice I saw Rengoku walking approaching me. 

"Yeah, I'm taking Felix to the park so he can run around more." 

"It sounds interesting, but what exactly is the place you speak of?" 'Did they not have parks during the Taisho era?' 

"It's basically a public space where people can go to play sports, have picnics, and other things." He seemed rather interested in what I'm talking about, but then again he's always smiling so it's hard to tell. "If that's the case do you mind if I accompany you? I have not yet seen what else this place has to offer." 

"Sure I don't mind, have you tried on the clothes Mitsuri got you?" 


"Then it would be a good idea if you change. Do you think the others would like to come?" He stayed silent for a moment. "Perhaps we should ask." I hummed and nodded. "Yeah." Naturally, I grab my bag and make sure I have a water bottle for me and a small plastic bowl for Felix. 'Should I take my skateboard or my roller skates?' I haven't been to the park in a while and I've been wanting to do something at the park so I'm not bored.

A few minutes later at the park

So apparently this went from a normal outing to a picnic with everyone in the house, not that I'm complaining. Mitsuri is really good at cooking and she's the one who made lunch. Since there were so many of us we had to walk the whole way.

I saw Inoskue and Felix running back and forth in the field and everyone else was eating and talking to each other. If I'm being honest I kinda felt left out because I barely knew anything about anyone. Since everyone else was occupied I remembered I brought my roller skates and my skateboard. (because I couldn't decide between the two) So I got my roller skates and started skating on the sidewalk around the park. 

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