MEGATRON.....I needed that!

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It was late. All was quite, that was until the alarms sounded...
"STAY HERE!" Optimus ordered Arcee and Bee who both looked terrified "RATCHET WHATS WRONG?" He asked the medic, as he ran into the main room where Drift, Crosshair, Elita-1 and Hound where all staring at the screen.
"Con activity! Not far from here sir," Crosshair informed him.
"Cant wait to kick some con tail pipe!" Hound smiled loading his gun.
Ratchet rolled his optics "we need to send a time out immediately, they are at the sparkling shelter there maybe survivors!"
Optimus con linked "Arcee, bee, Cliff, Side, Jack come to the main room now!"
Within seconds the team ran into the room faster than sound.
"Ready sir!" They responded in unison.
"We have con activity at the sparkling centre we believe there maybe survivors!" Prime informed the "autobots transform and roll out!"
"Really that's the best he could come up with?" The laughed.
Ratchet opened up a ground and they all raced through it.
We raced as faced as we could through the ground bridge but when we got through there was nothing but fire and smoke. We all ran and hid behind a nearby rock pile.
"Optimus over there!" I pointed towards a tall dark figure.
Optimus focused his optics on the figure "Megatron!"
"Ow great and look who he's with Barricade and Starsream," Bee mumbled.
A few months ago Barricade got into a fight with Bee and said that he was going with the cons, Optimus tried to reason with him but Barricade just shot him and ran straight out of the base. Everyone was gobsmacked no words would come out, they had all ready lost Arachnid to the cons. The first person to say anything was Bee " why do autobots who turn to cons always pick on me?"
"Sir what are we going to do?" Side questioned "we can't take down Megatron by ourselves can we?!"
"Let's just blow the place!" Jack said looking at his grenade.
"No! I will take Megatron, Bee search for survivors, Jack, Side and Cee take down Barricade and Starscream..go!"
With that the shooting began. It was almost impossible to see anything. Megatron and Optimus were having a full on fight swords were swung and guns were shot.
Arcee, Side and Jack where taking control over their fight with Starsream and Barricade. While all that was going on Bee desperately searched around the wreckage. He heard a really faint cry.
"Shh shh it's ok it's ok," Bee said picking up the sparkling twins "Ratchet I need a Bridge now!"
Bee ran through the bridge.
"Put them down there Bee!"
"Ratchet I'm going back they need me."
" careful."
With that Bee shot through the ground bridge and transformed, he tried to focus his optics but the smoke was so thick. He carefully manoeuvred through the Wreckage of the building. He started to get dizzy from the smoke....when he was grabbed around the neck! Hard. Bee tried to wriggle free but the tight grip was to strong.
"MEGATRON PUT BEE DOWN!" Prime yelled desprately. Megatron smirked "does that hurt little Arcee!" He laughed.
Arcee started to grip here spark, Side ran to her and helped her stand.
"What like this!" Megatron turned his hand into a claw ... And jabbed it into Bee's neck ripping out his voice box...
Arcee fell to the floor..her optics went offline as did Bee's.
"BUMBLEBEE!!!!" Prime yelled as he and the team ran towards Megatron. He dropped Bee and flew off.
Side ran through their ground bridge caring Arcee, Optimus Picked up Bee his eyes filed with tears.
Ratchet walked out of the med bay to find everyone waiting most where in tears. Optimus sat there with his head in his servos.
"How are they ?!" Cliff asked.
"Arcee is waking up but..." He paused taking in a deep breath "Bee's put his body into status, I will start operating on him soon, he just needs to gain some strength."
Optimus and Cliff ran over to Ratchet and hugged him as tight as they could.
"Thanks," Cliffs whispered.
It had been a month since the con attack at the sparkling centre and Bee had not yet woken from status. Ratchet had managed to do the operation though. Arcee had been awake for a while now and was still not allowed out of the med bay due to the fact the her spark still hurt. She stayed by his side all day and all night.
"How is he Ratchet?" Arcee asked looking up at the medic worried.
"Well the operation was a complete success," he said smiling, at that point whole team walked in including Optimus "....but he won't be able to speak normally, I'm going to work on a devise that will allow him to talk through the radio but for now it will just be clicks and no making fun...Sideswipe."
"I won't I would never," he said crossing his spark " Bee's going to need all the support he can get."
"Good and so will Arcee," at that point Arcee walked out of the med bay slightly limping.
"Arcee you need to stay in the med bay!" Ratchet said frustrated. She completely ignored him and walked straight to Optimus. Once he realised she was coming to him, he ran to support her. She hugged him, she didn't know what to say.
"Shh..shh it's ok Cee," he said as she burst into tears, Cliff and Smoke ran to hug her "he going to be fine."
She stood up and hugged Cliff as tight as she could, she tried to hold back the tears.
"Bee's awesome.." Cliff tilted her head so that she was looking at him " ...wether he can speak or not."
Arcee wiped the tears away and sniffed "thanks Cliff."
Another long week had passed and Bumblebee had not yet awaken, still Arcee sat next to him holding his hand. Ratchet was in the med bay with them working on the radio voice box and taking care of the sparklings. Luckily Ratchet had found out the names of the Sparklings, Mudflap and Skids. They were only at the base for a few weeks until they would be returned to a new safe sparkling centre. They would be under his care until then. They were a bit younger then Bee. Suddenly Arcee felt Bee's huge hand tense up...
"Bee.." She hugged him as he sat up "your awake..your ok...I thought you were gone!"
Beep beep click buzz click beep.
"Bumblebee...Megatron ripped ... Out your...voice box," Arcee said looking into his shocked optics.
"I tried my best to fix it but it was no use," Ratchet looked at the floor he was disappointed in himself "I'm working on a device that will let you speak through the radio."
: thanks Racthet :
"That's ok Bee," he smiled "it mostly down to Arcee that you are still alive."
: really ? :
"she stayed here this whole time, the closeness of your sparks kept both of you alive."
: cool .... Thanks Cee :
"I'm just glad you ok Bee."
It had been roughly a week since Bee had woken up and he was still in the med bay with Cee. It was very late at night and Bee couldn't sleep so he walked down the hall, out to the balcony were Arcee usually sits. He just sat there taking in the cool fresh air and staring at the tiny moon.
"Hi Bee," Jack said walking up to him, it was the first time Jack had seen him since the attack. He hadn't yet heard Bee's new voice "couldn't sleep?"
: just needed some air :
"Bee.....your.....voice it's-"
: gone ... I know :
"Sorry Bee I-"
: it's fine I'm still getting used to it :
"I think it's really cool."
: thanks :
The boys sat there in a comfortable silence looking at stars when Bulk, Cliff, Sunny and side walked up to them.
"Good to see you Bee," Cliff said placing a hand on his shoulder. Bee nodded in response not wanting the them to hear his new voice.
"Bee they won't make fun," Jack said with a reassuring smile "it's awesome!"
Bee gave his version of a laugh : hi guys :
' wow that's different ' they all thought to themselves.
"Hi Bee," Bulk was the first to say something " that's really cool...and Ratchet made that."
: yep :
"Wow he's good," Sunny said looking at Bee's throat wondering how in the name of Cybertron it worked "how does it work?"
: like I would know :
They all sat down on the edge of the balcony.
"Bee you can take the mask down we aren't fighting you know," Bulk said laughing. Bee's spark sank, he dropped his head and his wings, he was on the verge of crying.
: I wish I could...but I don't have a mouth anymore:
"I'm so sorry Bee I-"
: it's fine you didn't know : he said hugging Bulk.
They were all silent for a few minutes. Dangling their legs over the balcony edge looking out into space.
"Maybe we should put one on Cliff," Side said laughing playfully punching Cliffs arm.
"Haha very funny," Cliff said rolling his Optics, as the others were in fits of laughter.
So what did you think?
Hope your all having a nice Easter x ❤️
By the way : : that is Bumblebee speaking if you hadn't already guessed x lol
Love to here from you TFP fans, I will alway respond to comments.
Comment who's you fav transformers character?
( mines Bee 🐝 )

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