They talk for a while when the way he got dumped pops into Rob's mind

"How did you get through your break-up? I have so many mixed feelings at the moment but I don't know how to get them under control." Rob admits. He hates the idea of coming home to an empty house. "You can't. It's natural to feel that way after someone you trust screws you over like that." Jesse sighs and shakes his head "I got over it by dating other people."

"You call bringing girls into your office dating?"

"Fine Rob, I got over my break-up by fucking lots of other people, is that what you wanted to hear?" Jesse answers. Rob just stares at him without saying a word. "What? Nobody said that I have a good coping mechanism." Jesse shrugs with a smirk.

"Right. Can I ask you one more question?"

"That is already a question."

"No- whatever. Why are you being so nice all of the sudden? You wouldn't even look at me a few days ago." It's not like Rob prefers that Jesse, he actually enjoys hanging out with this version of his colleague. "It would make the party planning only more difficult. Or do you want me to act like you're invisible?" Rob shakes his head "No, I like this Jesse way more than the I'm-better-than-you-and-everyone-else-Jesse."

"But I am in fact better than you and everyone else. You should've known that by now."

"Yup there he is." They both smile. "Let's head back inside before Sigrid actually kills me." Rob suggests. Jesse nods and they both head towards the building.

Rob rushes inside his office to print out the forms he was supposed to get. He quickly starts printing them and impatiently taps his fingers on the desk. "Where the hell have you been?" A voice in front of him whisper-yells. Sigrid is standing in the doorway with her arms folded. "Uh- toilet." Rob couldn't come up with something else that quick. Sigrid raises one eyebrow. "Hm. Well, hurry up I need those papers. And I thought you already printed them." They look at the last form coming out of the printer. Rob looks from the printer back to Sigrid before she heads back to the debate. Rob lets out a big sigh when he's alone. He grabs the form out of the printer and sprints after his D66-colleague.

Rob can feel the eyes of the prime minister aimed at him when he enters the room. The forms he just printed out are clutched in his hands. Jesse is already seated and writing something down. A little note is waiting on Rob's desk.

"The toilet? I expected a better excuse from you Jetten. - J" Rob turns his head to his curly-headed colleague. "How did you know?" Rob mouths at him. Jesse just shrugs and smiles. "Focus Rob." Kaag whispers. He nods and listens to the speaker.

Rob and Sigrid head out as soon as the debate is over. Sigrid doesn't seem too happy about him disappearing for a while and he knows it. "Now, can you please be honest about where you were? You seem so... distracted lately." They stop walking and Rob sighs. "I was getting some fresh air with Jesse, that's all. I'm sorry, I won't leave like that again." Sigrid's frown turns into a smirk. "So with Klaver... I thought you said you didn't like him." She nudges him. Rob shakes his head. "No, it's not like that. He just showed up and we went for a walk." He stares at the carpet while turning red. "Mhm, well, how's the planning going? Any progress?" Sigrid asks. "Yeah, Jesse has been very helpful actually." She smirks at Rob's answer. "Oh, I'm sure he is, Rob." She starts walking towards her office. Rob follows with an offended look on his face. "Oh stop that. He's not even my type." Sigrid laughs at his reaction. "Oh please, it's like you're glued to each other." Rob can't believe the words coming out of his colleague. "We are not. We just plan that stupid party and nothing more." "Nothing more, except getting drunk together, going out for walks, and constantly wanting, no, needing to get each other's attention. I know what I'm seeing so maybe you should stop lying to me and yourself." Rob doesn't know what to say to that. "Exactly. I'll see you later." Sigrid closes her office doors in his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2021 ⏰

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