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A loud knock wakes both of them up. Rob slowly lifts his head from his desk. "Come in." He mumbles loudly enough to hear from the other side of the door. It swings open and Kaag walks in. "Goodmorning Rob, can-" She stops mid-sentence when she sees Rob's messed up hair and tired look on his face. "What happened to you? You're a mess!" Sigrid closes the door and notices Jesse's presence. "Is this your work Klaver?" She points at Rob. "Not this time." Jesse stands up and heads towards the door. "See you two later." He closes the door and heads to his own office.

Sigrid looks from the closed-door back to Rob.

"Did you hook up with him?" Sigrid asks with a serious look on her face. Rob shakes his head and rubs his eyes. "That might be the most horrible question anyone has ever asked me." He rubs his forehead, trying to make the headache go away. "No, I got dumped last night so I went for a walk and bumped into Jesse. He helped me with the planning to keep my mind off of Sjoerd." It just hit him how much Jesse helped him yesterday. There are plenty of colleagues who would have left Rob behind on that bench he was sitting on. "I'm sorry to hear about your break-up, you know where to find me if you need to talk." Sigrid pats Rob on the back. She grabs two aspirins out of her purse and leaves them on rob's desk and walks out of his office.

Rob walks through the halls towards the plenary room. When he arrives it's pretty empty. He made sure to be early so he could get some paperwork done. People slowly start to show up and sit down on the blue seats. Jesse isn't there yet and it bothers Rob for some reason. Should he go check up on him? Maybe he's just late. Rob gets pulled out of his thoughts when he feels a tap on his shoulder. "Hey, did you print out the forms I emailed you yesterday?" Kaag asks. He completely forgot about it, he wanted to do it at home but didn't get the chance. "Of course, they're in my office. I'll go get them." He gets up and leaves the room quickly.

The sound of his footsteps echoing through the empty halls reminds Rob of how he marched towards Jesse's office two days ago. The doors of his own office are right in front of him. He rushes inside but stops. "What are you doing here?" A curly-headed figure turns around. Rob lets out a big sigh when he sees Jesse's face. "I'm bored," Jesse folds his arms and leans against Rob's desk "let's go." The sleeves of his blouse are rolled up and his red tie hangs loosely around his neck. His hair is messy but it suits him well and he knows it. " To where? What about the debate? We can't just leave, everyone will notice it." Jesse rolls his eyes. "Loosen up Jetten, we'll just go for a walk, not murdering a person." He grabs his jacket. Rob just stands in the doorway, not sure what to do. "Well? What are you waiting for, let's go." Jesse grabs Rob's coat and throws it at him. "Alright." Rob gives in and puts on his coat.

They leave the building and sit down on the bench where they were seated last night.

"Why did you want to leave so bad?"

"I was bored."

"Okay, but why did you want to leave with me?" I

Jesse looks at Rob and back at the fountain. "Because I felt like it."

"Because you felt like it." Rob repeats his words. "You're so annoying."

Jesse smiles at Rob's little comment. "Can you just answer my question?"

"I figured you could use some fresh air." Jesse leans back and lets his head rest against the back of the bench. Rob smiles to the ground. Jesse can be so thoughtful, why can't he always be like this? "Thanks for sticking with me last night. I appreciate it."

"No problem, you're funny when you're hammered." Jesse admits while a smile appears on his face. Rob never really noticed the dimples in his cheeks. It makes Jesse look soft and adorable. "I wasn't that drunk." "Yes you were, you could barely walk, you made really dumb jokes and insisted we continued party planning. You didn't even touch your computer." "Well, I don't remember it so it didn't happen." Rob concludes. "Oh, I remember everything and it definitely did happen."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2021 ⏰

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