🎯Chapter 35🎯

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Then, they snuck off somewhere.


"Curse this! Where have they run away to?!"

"The cattle is getting cheeky!"

"This is unacceptable! Find them!"

"How fun." Nouma said.

"Yes...Let us play." Nous said.

Gillian glared, remembering when the demons killed her older sister. Nigel glared, remembering when the demons killed his younger sister. Sonya and Sandy frowned, remembering the death of their friend.

'We've managed to divide them and lure each group right where we wanted. The target spot lies under the mask, behind the eye...That's where their core is...I'll drill a hole into each of you bastards...!' Gillian thought, aiming her gun.

She pulled the trigger, alerting the demons. Then, they were shocked when one of them was shot.

"There! There it is!" One of the demons pointed up a tree where a figure was visible.

Gillian held two guns as she looked down at them.

"Eat lead." She spoke.

And with that, she started firing at them.

'This brat...it's aiming for the eye from the beginning! So they know? Did the premium ones teach them? But it's hardly been a day...They wouldn't have time to train. Just a fluke then?'

Then, a bullet hit the demon's face and the others looked up to see Nigel glaring down at them.

'This is no fluke! They're clearly aiming to kill the leader...that is, me! Still, they're nothing but fools! Our masks are really solid and they won't be broken by the puny weapons in this park. I'm able to resurrect and my servants too...! It's pointless to fight back. Yes, they're nothing but ignorant simpletons. Shoot as much as you want, it's all for nothing!'

"Go! Go! Charge! I want their heads! Both of them! Take them down at once!"

Gillian kept rapidly shooting at the demons who were reaching near the tree branch she stood on. The same could be said for Nigel.

'It's no use! No use! No use! No use! No use! No use!'

"It's no use! No use! No use! No use! No use! No use!" The demon cackled.

The demon noticed their bullets were almost gone and concluded that they're goners.

"Now's the time! Run up there and kill them!"

However, blood splattered in the air and the demon servants collapsed.

"They're...dead? My servants...All of my servants? What?!"

"We were not aiming at you at all." Gillian said, walking towards the lone demon with Nigel.

"We know. We know it all. Including the fact that your noble masks are bulletproof and the fact that the retainers masks have weak points."

"First remove the mask, then shoot the vital point." Nigel recited.

"And pretend to be flailing around so that they'll never realize our plan." Gillian followed.

The demon stood against a tree as Gillian and Nigel stood in front of them. Then, the demon started running, the two humans following behind.

"Get away from me!"

The demon was shot in the leg, making it stumble before Gillian and Nigel caught up, knocking it down.

"He taught us all we needed. So I also know that without your little servants, you're nothing. Game, set, and match. This is the end for you, rich boy." Gillian said.

~Memories from the Beginning~Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon