Chapter 6: Behold.

Start from the beginning

"Told you I had a plan." Rocket bragged smugly as we passed through the first door. No one had a chance to reply though, as we began to bounce wildly off the walls like a giant game of ping-pong. On the way we even managed to run into a couple of very confused guards, which was kind fun.

Crashing on the other hand, was definitely not fun.

Once our ride had come to a complete tongue, and we were free to speak without there being a chance of us biting off our own tongue, Peter admitted, "That was a pretty great plan."

"Yeah, great plan. Go team! But seriously, who wants to bust open a window? Or is it up to me?" I asked looking between the confused members of the group. As I tapped the glass I explained, "I may have totally sealed the doors shut. Like permanently."

"How did you even -never mind! I got it, just stand back, crazy girl." Quill announced quickly shaking his head and waving me away from the window. Mildly insulted I took a step away from the glass, letting him move in so he could kick the already crumbling glass in. It wasn't the best exit, but thankfully the shoes seemed to be thick enough that the glass didn't embed itself in our feet.

Which meant our first stop was to head down to impound, where we could get all our stuff and get our ride and get out of here. As we searched through the rotating bins I may have been a little less gentle with the other inmates' possessions while looking for my stuff. I heard quite a few things in those bins and some things breaking. But it's not like they were gonna use it, right?

"Phoenix, your bin's over here," Gamora called suddenly as I carelessly throw yet another bin back into its place.

"Oh, thank you!" I gasped too excited to care about whatever had shattered in the big. Mindlessly knocking over a pile of bins I snatched mine up from Gamora's hands, setting it down on the ground I threw it open. Smiling happily down at my material possessions I sighed, "My babies, come to mommy!"

Like a worried parent, I began checking my stuff over, ensuring that no foolish guards had tried messing with any of my precious tech. All the while I will admit I was talking to my stuff, but can you really blame me? Sure it sounded insane, but when I was a kid the only real friend I had was literally a robot that was my house. I almost shrieked in joy when I found my HTW at the bottom of the bin, flipping it over in a mad panic.

The breath I was holding rushed from my lungs as my fingers ran over my mother's necklace, safe and sound and totally unharmed.

"Alright, I am good to go!" I announced as I attached the device to my wrist and then throwing my bag over my shoulder.

"Get my ship!" Quill called pointing out the window as I threw my clothes over my arm, "It's the Milano!"

Moving next to him I looked out the window frowning, "Where?"

"Orange and blue, in the corner. See it?"

"Got it!" I confirmed as Quill turned back to his own bin gathering up his own stuff.

"They crumpled my pants up into a ball!" Rocket shouted insulted as we began to rush from the room, "That's rude they folded yours!"

"You can leave a complaint later!" I promised sarcastically running down the halls ahead of him towards the hanger. Since I knew what Quill's ship looked like it was easy to find, there weren't many custom paint jobs around here. Although, I do have to admit that I the mechanic in me was a little bit impressed by the ship.

She was a beauty, and going off the facts in my head I knew it was an amazing ship to have. It could go remarkably fast in a short amount of time and lasted for a long time.

The Girl the World Forgot: But the Galaxy FoundWhere stories live. Discover now