Chapter 7: Jackson Palmer Walls

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After all the crap we had gone through to get out of jail Quill decided it was worth potentially throwing all of our hard work out the window. Just so he could get that stupid Walkman. At least, Drax had given me a new word to describe Quill, imbecile. Honestly, I was a little disappointed that I hadn't thought of it myself actually. Two dull hours later we had done nothing. I was spending my time going through my junk messages that had piled up when I was in jail.

God, that was going to be on my recorder forever wasn't it?

Everyone was a little on edge, nobody really trusted each other so we mostly kept to ourselves. I glanced up again to see Rocket still tearing stuff apart. He might be building a bomb, I am 89% sure that he was building a bomb.

"Wow, wow, wow! Yo!" Quill shouted when he finally noticed the raccoon was tearing apart the ship, even though he had been doing it for about an hour or so. Quill rushed over to Rocket yanking stuff out of Rocket's hands stopping him from doing any more damage to his bachelor pad as he demanded, "Ranger Rick, what are you doing?! You can't take apart my ship without asking me!"

"Who the hell is Ranger Rick?" I scoffed not picking up the reference, it sounded a little familiar but I was mostly drawing a blank. I apologize to anyone who is insulted by my lack of knowledge on rangers.

"What is this?" Quill demanded ignoring my comment reaching down to touch the mess of tech that had once been part of his ship.

"Don't touch that," Rocket warned him before he could touch him, "It's a bomb."

"A bomb?!"

"Called it!" I announced proudly raising my hand as I leaned against the wall.

"And you leave it lying around?" Quill yelled at the raccoon, choosing to ignore me again.

"I was gonna put it in a box!" Rocket defended himself looking around the area he had set up absentmindedly going through the drawers. Something in one of them caught my attention, even from here I could see wrapping paper with a bow and everything. I wonder whose birthday it was.

"What's a box gonna do?" Quill demanded in a moment of intelligence.

I shrugged my shoulder admitting with my eyes still on the box, "Depends on the box really."

"How 'bout this one?" Rocket wondered as he picked up the very present I had just been looking at.

At the sight of someone touching the present seemed to send Quill into a rage. He slammed the present of the raccoons hand and slammed the door shut yelling, "Hey! Leave that alone!"

"Why? What it is?" Rocket asked trying to be reasonable.

"Shut up!" Quill ordered firmly, being a total jerk about it.

"Well, ya don't have to be mean about it," I snapped at him shooting him a heated glare before my attention was drawn back to my holographic display. Quill went on to asked Rocket about yet another machine that had been built in the past hour.

"That's for when things get really hardcore," Rocket explained with an edge of giddiness in his voice, sounding pleased with himself as he went on, "Or if you wanna blow up moons."

I blinked looking up to stare at the raccoon who seemed unaware of my stare. This one, I decided. I will be best friends with this one.

"No one's blowing up moons," Gamora announced shooting down the idea before it could even reach the launch pad.

"AW!" I whined disappointedly slouching my shoulders in despair, I wanted to blow up a moon! Gamora rolled her eyes at me clearly unimpressed with my eagerness to destroy a moon.

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