MY OC : Sakurako Ojiro (Kura)

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Kura is described to be a shy , nice, sarcastic, and funny girl. She's not confident in a lot of things but the few things she is confident in she's VERY confident in. She is very optimistic and has been with her master Ran for over 9 years.

Kura's cursed technique is called the 3 C's technique

Cursed Copy Cat technique
The technique is fairly simple. This technique allows Kura's cursed energy to mimic / copy another persons cursed energy / techniques. She is also able to copy any cursed tools that are associated with that technique. She is able to wield a very long strong wooden Staff that comes from a cursed scar in her arm due to a tragic accident that will be revealed later on in the story. Only she can wield this staff and she wields it strongly and well. This Staff comes out of the large scab in her arm and with her cursed energy she can launch her cursed energy a certain distance to touch someone else's cursed energy. That's all she needs to do to be able to copy cat it. The stronger she gets the more she can wield the curse energy freely. If the opponent that she copy is that much stronger than her, she won't be able to copy every technique or in rare cases she won't be able to copy the technique no matter what if they are that strong.

But Kura considers this technique to be weak because she is dependent on the person she is copying. She feels depending on someone else's technique is weak. So she likes to depend more on her physical strength and wielding her staff. Due to the curse Sin inside of her (Curse Sins are unique to my story) she has lots more cursed energy, but the sin is sleeping inside of her as of right now. So she can't even use the Curse Sin's technique. She has been possessed by the Sin one time, and after that the Sin has been resting. More on the Sin as the story progresses!

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