Epilogue: Last Chance at Scarif

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December 20.

The time had come. Aboard the Tantive IV, the personal corellian corvette of the Alderaanian royal family, Ezra and Jaral were waiting for a hint to know that Rogue One had started the incursion.

Aboard the Profundity, the ship that was hosting the Tantive in her hangar, Darvos was using the Silver Bullet's equipment to monitor imperial transmission in the nearby sector.

Not even when it was the time to start the invasion of Lothal had Jaral felt such fear of failing. Arriving in a nearby system with a pretty impressive naval squadron meant that the Rebel Alliance was employing a lot of resources. There were dozens of Gallofree transports following the warships to refill them with fuel and food for the crews.

Furthermore, she had no other choice but to grant the fleet very few hours to rest, because this was a race against time: the Joint Fleet had indeed launched a counter-attack on Columex, to try and free the garrison trapped on the ground, but Iuli...

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Furthermore, she had no other choice but to grant the fleet very few hours to rest, because this was a race against time: the Joint Fleet had indeed launched a counter-attack on Columex, to try and free the garrison trapped on the ground, but Iulius had managed to inflict them heavy casualties and put the battle in orbit in a bloody stall, but at the very least, he was distracted. The most fearsome commander of the Imperial Navy would not interfere with the attack on Scarif, as he was too far away.

Still, there were no complaints in the fleet. Everybody knew what they were fighting for and how important this mission was.

However, Jaral knew that this was gonna be a bloodbath. She didn't need the Force to predict it, and the chances of capturing the planes were still short.

The air was tense even aboard the Tantive. Nobody was talking as everybody was focused on trying to figure what was going to happen in the next minutes.

Jaral, on the other hand, was in the command room of the ship, observing a hologram of Scarif.

According to the transmissions intercepted by Darvos, Rogue One had managed to get into the shield gate, as he reported a conversation between the gate control and shuttle SW-0608, the one used by the strike team.

Since the main base hadn't reported a rebel incursion, yet, it was safe to assume that the first phase of the plan had been successful.

Ezra quietly approached her side and put a hand around her shoulders, using their bond to encourage her. Jaral gave him a grateful smile and gently squeezed that hand.

 Jaral gave him a grateful smile and gently squeezed that hand

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