Chapter 24: Making allies

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After recording the King's last words, Jaral decided that it was better to entrust them to the Mon Cala government, so when the squad went back to the planet, she handed the recording to Regent Urtya.

Eventually, the Regent decided to play the registration on an open channel that reached the entire planet, both surface and underwater cities, and those words fired up the spirit of the Mon Calas even more than before. Swearing to avenge their King, the population went back to work around the clock to supply the Rebellion. The Quarren resumed their mining activities on the bottom of the ocean so that the Calamari could use them to reactivate the shipyards and build their renowned ships.

Meanwhile, the joint Rebel-Federal fleet had secured the buffer zone around Mon Cala, and the intelligence reported that the Empire wasn't even mustering forces for a counter-attack. It was as Jaral hoped: the 'Tarkin Doctrine' forced the Empire to spread its forces thin all around the galaxy to enforce its rule on the thousands of planets of the Outer Rim especially.

The recent victories at Mon Cala and Lothal, however, had emboldened the many cells that were part of the Rebel Alliance, who were now escalating their actions against the Empire all around the Rim, effectively paralyzing the Empire from putting together a new fleet that could stop the coalition.

But even after they had mustered a fleet, there was no guarantee the Empire could win. The recent disaster over the orbit of Lothal was a testament to that. For all of its existence, the Empire had been used to fight small insurrections or nations, factions against which it could deploy an endless stream of firepower and numbers. The State wasn't ready to fight such an organized and powerful enemy such as this coalition.

The inherent infighting that the Emperor encouraged between his Moffs, maybe as a way to make sure they wouldn't have the time to conspire against him, also didn't help. According to the intercepted communications, the Governors of the nearby systems were debating over who should start the counter-attack on Mon Cala. What was sure was that none of them was willing to be the first to strike and lose his own resources.

That was what Jaral explained in her conversation with Mon Mothma aboard the Constantinople.

 That was what Jaral explained in her conversation with Mon Mothma aboard the Constantinople

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"That is all, Madam Senator. I'm confident in saying that this region can be considered quite safe. As of now, I'll be coming back to Yavin IV to coordinate our cells around the Outer Rim: we must press the Empire more than ever."

"That's a wonderful news, Grand Marshall. Our forces here are really impatient to have you back to lead them." Mothma said with a smile.

Jaral laughed under her breath. "I'll have to sort a few things on Lothal, before. I'll also bring some of the special forces of our Army to instruct our men back on Yavin. If you can, intensify the other cells' activity a bit, it should be easier to mask our movements if the Empire will look the other way."

"I'll inform General Draven of your request. See you soon, Jaral Bridger." Mothma concluded before her hologram disappeared.

Jaral left the comm room of the frigate and reentered the strategic room, where Ezra was waiting for her.

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