"I got it," the guy behind me lent over and gave the worker a five dollar bill whilst smiling at me. I smiled back.
"Thanks," it was so embarrassing that this was our first conversation considering I was mad crushing but at least I had an excuse to talk to him now. He ordered his and I waited with him whilst they made it.

"Oh my god, thank you my friend was holding our cash. It was so embarrassing I didn't know what I was gonna do," I said laughing.
"It's fine, I gotchu," he smirked at me making me blush. Good thing I got melanin otherwise he would've seen.

"I like your hat," I said.
"I just so happen to like yours too," he said laughing. We both have a hat from the same brand it's obvious he would've liked it ugh i'm an idiot. I laughed with him as he got his drink and we walked away from the stall together.

We were laughing and joking like old friends which was weird as we only just met but he had a good vibe around him. *i wish i could be this social irl i would've pooed my pants and ran if anyone paid for my drink*

Once we had finished our drinks, he put his in the bin near us.
"How much you wanna bet I'll get it in?" I said about to throw my cup. We were at a distance so he was doubting that I could do it
"$5" he said smirking like I wouldn't get it in.

I threw it and it went in. I put my hand out.
"Hand it over," I smirked back at his open mouth. He went to get the money out his pocket making me laugh.
"I'm joking, you paid for my drink so we even now."
He laughed and we carried on walking aimlessly around.

"So you a baller huh?" he asked.
"Mhmm best one I know," I smirked getting cocky.
"Well you've met me now," he smirked back at me.
I rolled my eyes.
"Alright. Guess this means we're gonna have to meet up again to have a match, huh?"
He smiled and I could tell he was excited at there being a chance for us to meet up again which I thought was cute. He nodded his head at me.

"You have a phone?" I asked as I knew it wasn't normal for everyone to have one. I only had one because I almost got raped so yeah lmao.

"Yeah," He pulled out his phone from his back pocket and gave it to me. He looked over my shoulder as I saved my number into it. He smirked at me.

"See you around, Jayda."
"See you later, Mikey," His mouth fell open as I called him Mikey making me burst out laughing.
"It's Mike, I'm not gay," he stated trying not to laugh.
"Woah woah don't get defensive," I laughed and started walking off waving. He waved back and I stuck my middle finger at him as I went round the corner making him laugh. Now I needed to find Will.

After ten minutes of searching I found him sat on a bench eating ice cream with his t-shirt drenched.

"What happened to you?" I laughed.
"She threw her coke at me," he said sadly making me burst out laughing.
"Boy you got no game, what'd you say to her?" I said trying to contain my laughs.
"I used a pick up line."
"What one?"
"Not one that I'd repeat to you," he said pitifully shaking his head.

I started howling with laughter.
"You're an idiot no wonder you got no girl."
He frowned at me before laughing too and we headed off back towards our bikes.

My phone starting ringing.
"Hello?" I asked, the number wasn't saved on my phone and I didn't know who it was.
"Jay? Haha it's Mike I was just checking you didn't give me a fake number," he laughed.
"Yeah maybe I should've," I joked as he fake gasped.
"I'm heading home so I can't call but we'll sort out a game," I said laughing before we said our goodbyes and I hung up.

"Who was that?" Will asked as he unlocked his bike. His jaw was all clenched.
"Chill out man," I said laughing at his pissed expression.

"Don't tell me to chill out. You're on the phone to a guy, I literally heard a guys voice unless one of your girlfriends voice's dropped three pitches," He said pulling his bike out the rack and hitting other ones with it on the way.
"Bro what wrong with you? I can chat to who I want you're not my dad," I shot back at him. I didn't know why he was acting so weird.

He looked like he was debating saying something when he got on the bike.
That's all he had to fucking say. I got on my bike and rode back in my own time with my earphones pretending I was in a music video. It was fun lmao.

When I reached the house, Will was already inside and I didn't have the code to the lock on the side gate for my bike.
"For gods sake," I sighed out loud before bringing out my phone and calling the landline.

Someone picked up.
It was Ashley thank god.
"Yeah hi ash, do you mind letting me in through the side gate. Will got mad and left me out here without the code," I laughed as I explained the stupid situation I was in.
She laughed too, "Yeah sure give me two seconds."

A couple minutes went by when I heard the gate unlock and she appeared smiling at me. She's probably my favourite Banks. Like the little sister I never had.
"Thanks," I hugged her before pulling the bike in and over to the shed.
"What was Will mad at you about?" she asked curiously.
"It's a long story," I said as we walked inside.
"I'm young, I got a long life," she said making me laugh.
"Alright, alright."

I led her up to my room shutting the door behind us as we both flipped on the bed and gossiped about what happened like middle school girls.
"Sounds like he likes you Jay!" Ash said making me scrunch my face up.
"Ew no I don't think it's like that. Probably more in a big brother way like he wanted to know who I was talking to blah blah blah," I said.

"Ouch," Ash replied making me laugh. "You friendzoned him hard!" She said giggling uncontrollably making me join in as she fell backwards on my bed laughing so hard. It wasn't that funny but her laugh made me laugh.

"Right no telling anyone?" I asked as I held out my pinky.
"No telling," She linked our pinkies and we shook them around making us laugh again. She really was the sister I never had.

Authors note:
A bit of a shorter one but we got some bonding with Ashley in it.
And maybe Will does like us huh?

Do you reckon she's raw for talking to that guy when she's with Ice? Or do you believe Jazz and think he was cheating on her already?

Comment your ideas and feelings towards the characters and her actions, I wanna know what you lot think.

Thanks for reading and the support I've been getting! Remember to vote!


Word count: 1992

Fresh Prince of Bel-AirOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora