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.Main leads..

...YN MEHTA...

A very beautiful and kind hearted girl who is a middle class and 18 yrs old desires to be a Ias officer but she is suffering from server depression and anxiety from past 5 years

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A very beautiful and kind hearted girl who is a middle class and 18 yrs old desires to be a Ias officer but she is suffering from server depression and anxiety from past 5 years. She was 14 when she got to know that she is in depression. A girl who is alive just because of a promise she tried many times to give her life but that promise was the only thing which was keeping her alive ....A girl who is called beautiful and smart but always end up alone in night a girl who was mentally harassed by her own chachi (aunt)...

"Nothing is okay, but it's okay am used to it "

Still she pretends to be happy and try to make everyone laugh with her cheerfulness... But the thing is that she is just hungry for love she never got any love from any person accept her parents who also leave her when she was 6 ...yeaa they died when she was 6 by a car accident....

"Sometimes the worst place you can be is in your own head"

Will this depressed soul Ever find her  special one who will love her unconditionally ...


"My baby is my baby therefore don't look, touch ,wink, wave, stare, flirt compliment or hold ,anything  that's my job"

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"My baby is my baby therefore don't look, touch ,wink, wave, stare, flirt compliment or hold ,anything  that's my job"

A 23 year old guy who loves his sisters and friends cause they were the only one when he needed them A boy who hates his step mother a lot because he thinks that his mother died because of her but was it true?

a flirty  brat who loves to do adventures and all a guy who also wants to become an IAS officer....A guy who loves teasing girls ...

" My first thought in morning is always her"

   a guy who find happiness in  everything a cheerful and a cute guy who is finding his true love ....but he is egoistic too don't know why but  he is ....will he able to find his true love?

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