Chapter 9

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Peter is swinging and shooting webs from building to building, following the pile of sand.

He follows it to a bank truck.

He sees a hole through the roof of it and lands through it.

Y/n lets go of Peter and they both stand in the bank truck looking at a guy, Flint Marko, with bags of money.

He stares back at them.

Jig's up, pal.

Flint walks over to them.

I don't want to hurt you. Leave now.

I guess you haven't heard. We're the sheriff around these parts.


Flint then tries to punch Peter, but he dodges it.

Flint tries to punch y/n, and she dodge it too.

Peter and y/n both try to punch Flint, but their arms go through him since his body turns to sand.



Flint's hands get bigger as they fill with sand more and he punches Peter and y/n.

They fly backwards and go through the door of the bank truck.

They tumble across the street.

Y/n runs into a car while Peter shoots a web and stands on the bank truck door.

Y/n apologizes to the driver of the car and gets up and starts running towards the bank truck.

She eventually catches up with it and watches Peter shoot webs at Flint.

She jumps and lands on the hood of the bank truck.

Peter hits Flint's legs and they turn into sand, making him fall over.

Peter shoots a web and slides a couple of the bags of money back into the truck.

Y/n tries to grab a hold of Flint to grab the other bag of money, but he just turns into sand and slips out of her grasp.

He hits y/n and she falls off the truck.

He then hits Peter and he flies off the truck, but attaches a web.

Y/n lands hard on the street and a car slams on the brakes to stop from hitting her.

She gets up and starts running to catch up with the truck again.

She sees Flint and Peter fighting on the truck.

I hate this guy.

She notices Peter is now gone and sees that the truck is going to run into another truck.

She runs faster and stands in front of the truck.

She shoots out her tongue and tries to stop the truck from moving forward.

It pushes her back, but starts moving slower.

She slides along the street and the truck finally stops moving just as her back hits the other truck.

She stops touching the truck and sighs with relief.

She walks around the bank truck to the back.

Peter climbs out.

Hey, where's Mr. Desert?

I don't know.

They both look around, but can't find him.

Well, so much for no trouble.

Yeah. Come on.

Y/n grabs onto Peter as he shoots a web and swings away.

He shoots more webs until he lands on the rooftop of a building.

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