⊱ Prologue ⊰

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You walk onto your plane to your new home, Roseville, Florida. The perfect place for you to start your newfound life away from your past. You lug your things to your seat, C211 you repeat in your head as you work your way through the isles. You manage to bump into a tall man with auburn hair, he's wearing a long tan trenchcoat and is holding a large brown suitcase.

"Shit!" you curse under your breath seeing you dropped your things. 

"Oh I apologize," says the man as he bends down to help you with your things. You look up into his cinnamon-bun brown eyes, "Oh no don't be! I should have been more careful!" 

What are you doing Y/N?! You shouldn't even be going through with this!!

"I'm Ivan, it's a pleasure meeting you miss," he says as he hands you your things. 

"The pleasure is all mine, I'm Y/N and I'm sorry about bumping into you, I was trying to find my seat." 

You show him your ticket and he quickly glances at his own. "Well it's a good thing we found each other, our seats are next to each other." 

His seat number is C210 the seat to the right of your own. "Well we better find our seats, shall we?" he asks.

What a gentleman, If mom was here she'd be poking me and telling me to marry the man.

You eventually find your seats after Ivan had broken down and asked a flight attendant for help.

You get as comfortable as you can in your middle seat as you possibly can. 

Why'd the hell did I pick a freaking middle seat?!? 

You audibly grunted and Ivan looked over at your discomfort, "Would you like to switch seats?" he offered.

"Oh uh you don't have to do that for me I'll be fine!" 

"Are you sure? I really wouldn't mind, I didn't mean to get an inside seat I can get pretty claustrophobic so I was sorta hoping you'd let me switch with you." 

In that case-

"Oh, then sure!"

You quickly exchanged seats with him and thanked him. 

"So is it your first time going to Roseville?" he asks trying to start a conversation. 

"Oh yes, I'm a reporter and my boss wanted to move me there to work on the recent murder cases," you say as you put an airplane pillow around your neck. 

"Ah yes I've heard of those, they sound quite interesting," he replies. 

You can tell that both you and him weren't all that social so you both stayed quiet. He put on headphones and watched whatever movie they were providing, you put on headphones and listened to your music and pulled out your laptop to work on an article you had started back home. 

Your eyes grew weary so you shut your laptop off to try to get some shut-eye from your day of travel so far. 

"Please re-fasten your seatbelts at this time to prepare for landing." the loudspeaker stated.

You try to blink the sleepiness from your eyes as you fumble to find your seat buckle. 

"Need some help?" Ivan asks 

"Oh no thank you, I think I got it now." 

You fumble around a little more before hearing that satisfying click making you smile at your tiny win. 

A slight bit of turbulence later, you arrive at the Roseville airport. 

"So do you have a place to stay?" Ivan asks. 

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