Crystal woman

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~This is from zedge~

"I'll draw them off," Radagast said then looked at Y/N

"be careful lady of crystal," Radagast said got on his sled, and took off,

"Move!" Thorin yelled,

Y/N behind Bilbo,

"Kili shoot them! Thorin yelled
Y/N looked behind her,

To see the warg on their tail,

~ Y/N ~

Y/N smiled and made crystals come out of the ground, that tripped some of the wargs,

"Y/N!" Thorin yelled

Y/N didn't notice that she stopped,

"The crystal woman get her," an orc said she turned around,

And killed both the orc and the warg, with her dagger,

"I have to get back to them," Y/N said running,

"Y/N get in!" Fili said

Y/N slid into the tunnel,

"What was that?" Bofur asked Y/N, she just shrugged,

"I think it would be wise..." Y/N blocked out Gandalf,


"Y/N come on," Bilbo said shaking her,

"Sorry, Bilbo, I was lost in my thoughts," Y/N said sheepishly

They start to make their way to Rivendell,

"Mithrandir," Lindir said greeting Gandalf,

"Ah. Lindir" walked over to him,

"Y/N are you alright?" Fili said concerned,

She smiled,

"I am fine just shaken a bit," Y/N said kindly,

"If I may ask, what was that.." Fili is cut off by horns blaring,

"Close ranks!" Thorin said the dwarves pulled Bilbo and Y/N in the middle of them,

"Gandalf!" Elrond said from his horse,
His eyes shifted to Y/N,

"The woman of crystal," Elrond thought, he greeted Gandalf in Elfish,

"Welcome. Thorin son of Thrain," Elrond said greeted him,

"I don't believe we have met," Thorin said

"Y/N my dear, come meet Lindir," Gandalf said

Y/N nodded, walked over to them,

"Y/N this is Lindir," Gandalf said

"Sup," Y/N said kindly holding out her hand,

Lindir looked at her bewildered,

"Nice to meet you, my lady," Lindir said kissing her hand,

Y/N blushed shyly and pulled her hand away,

"I will be helping you to your chambers, my lady," Lindir said

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