02 | patrick-peter parker

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swing the conscience, pull the lever

swing the conscience, pull the lever

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maybe talking's not the feature.


It was the most painful, pregnant pause Levina had ever heard. She stared at him, skin ablaze, and he stared at her, suit in a puddle at his feet. She really did not know what to do. What should she do? It was impossible to tear her eyes away from him. And from the way his eyes took up half the size of his face, it was clear he wasn't doing any better.

It felt like thirty years. They kept staring at each other in what had to be the worst stalemate of all time.

"It's, uh, it's Peter Parker, actually," Patrick said with a slack jaw. When she finally caught up to herself and the gravity of the world—the cars and the buildings coming back to her—he snapped out of the staring contest too and went, "I mean—I mean yeah no, it's, it is, um . . . shit."

He scrambled to pick up the suit, slipping around since his feet were still in it, desperately trying to bunch it to his chest. She realized he was practically naked and jerked away. The wall. The wall with the penis on it. Her cheeks were as hot as the veins in her arms.

"It's a, it's a costume, I swear! For a, uh, costume party! Very, um, very well-made."

"It's the middle of the afternoon," she blurted, and if it wasn't for the tension heightening their senses he wouldn't have heard it. Or wait, were his senses already heightened? Was that one of his perks? Why was she thinking about this? This was a stalemate!

She felt him stiffen. "Well, costume parties can be early!"

"On a Tuesday?"

He mumbled to himself so quietly she could barely hear it, "Damnit. Uh . . . this isn't what it looks like! I swear!"

She looked back at him. It was obvious he was fucked. She was fucked. They were both fucked.

"You're Spider-Man," she breathed, looking over him. "Oh my God."

He furrowed his brows—a telltale sign that he was having trouble hearing her. His face was embarrassed to the point of no return and his eyes shifted from hers. "This is, um, this is . . . this sucks," he groaned.

Levina was frozen again because yes, it very much did. Patrick-Peter-Parker looked at her and this time, he was horrified. His jaw popped open and his eyes took up even more of his face if that was possible. (Do spider powers make your eyes bigger?)

"Uh, what's going on with your arms?" He gulped.

Her heart fell out of her ass. She peered down and oh God no, she was glowing from the inside out. Her veins were even more brilliant than before, so bright and so intense that a rush hit her all at once. Memory, and now shock, had consumed her.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2021 ⏰

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