Part 2 - 💛

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💛 - Masturbation


The next day, when you arrived at the hot spring with the others, you checked in and were shown to your rooms. You each had your own room but the men's and women's rooms were on separate sides of the resort. This was because the rooms were connected to the opposite sides of the hot spring. You set your things down in your room and sit on the edge of the bed with a sigh.

Why does he have to be so damn sweet! It makes it harder for me to push these feelings down when he does generous things like this. The feel of this duvet is enough to make me worry about how much he paid for a week here...and for five people, too. He really is too much...

There was still some time before you had to meet up with Taishiro and the boys for lunch in the dining hall. You undress and grab a towel, deciding to test out the hot springs. You wrap yourself in a soft warm towel, and head through the door connecting your room to the women's path.

As you get closer to the water, you spot two girls on the path, walking away from the water with sour looks "How is anybody 'posed to do any relaxin' with all that noise! Damn boys!" one girl says. The other chimes in "Whatever! Let's just go get mani-pedis instead. Maybe they'll be gone when we come back."

As you get closer to the water you overhear the yelling from the men's side of the wall that splits the giant hot spring. You roll your eyes and scoff's MY boys causing all the rukus...

You step into the water, placing the towel on a stone nearby. As you lower yourself into the water, you feel your body instantly start to relax as the heat and steam envelops your body. Letting out a sigh, you lean back and laugh to yourself as you listen in on the boys yelling on the other side.

Sounds like they're having fun. All that rough housing will definitely work up an appetite...

After some time relaxing in the water you overhear a panicked shout come from the men's side "Look out!!!"

A loud crash follows the yell and a section of the wall collapses, revealing three guilty figures. You sink down in the water, trying to hide yourself. You glare as you look over Eijiro, Tetsutetsu, and Taishiro's embarrassed faces. Tamaki was facing a stone, trembling.

"S-sorry..." Eijiro quickly turns away.

"Y-yeah...sorry" Tetsutetsu says as he mimics the same behavior.

Taishiro, however stayed motionless, staring at you as if in a trance. You look away, as his gaze made a heat rise up in your body, feeling your face flush.

"Hey! Who do I have to thank for this view of the women?!" You hear an unfamiliar voice from the direction of the collapsed wall.

Your eyes dart over, spotting a man staring at you through the gap with hungry eyes. You sink lower in the water, trying to hide as much as possible as the man eagerly watched you. "Hey! No reason to be shy! Why don't you come over to our side, babe?! We could have a lot more fun over here..." The suggestion made you shudder in disgust as the man motions for you to come over.

"I think that's enough..." Taishiro grabs the man by the shoulder, tugging him back from wall.

"Why?! That your girl or somethin'?!" The man's face twists as he looks up at Taishiro.

"N-no...but-" Taishiro turns red as he fumbles his words.

"L-look! She's our friend! Leave her alone or we're gonna to have a problem!" Tetsutetsu jumps between the wall followed by Eijiro "You aren't acting very manly, going after women when they feel vulnerable..."

Tamaki slides next to Eijiro, glaring at the man "J-just walk away..."

"Geez! Alright! You guys are no fun! I'm outta here..." The man scrunches his face at the boys before turning to leave the water. He grabs a towel and heads down the path to the rooms on the men's side.

Eijiro calls out, keeping his back to you "We'll stand here while you go back to your room, (Y/n)."

"Thanks, guys..." You grab your towel, quickly wrapping yourself. "I'll see you at lunch..." You walk to your room and jump into the shower.

He...didn't look away...

A heat rushes over your body as you remember the way Taishiro stared at you. Thoughts of him stepping through the gap in the wall and wrapping you in his arms started swarming your head.

Oh God...why?! Why do I want him this bad?!

You trail a hand down to your clit, rubbing it. Shock waves start being sent through your body as you imagine the things you wanted Taishiro to do to you.

I want him to pick me up and slam into me on one of those stones. Just fucking take me, please!

You start to moan softly as you imagine your fingers are Taishiro's tongue, licking between your folds and playing with your clit.

Grabbing the shower bar as you press into yourself, you feel your stomach tighten as you start to climax.
"Tai~" You moan out loud "Fuck me! Please!"

Reaching your climax, you drop to your knees as you rub your clit through it. "Oh God! Please~"

After you come down from your orgasm, you finish washing yourself and put on a comfortable outfit. You jump onto the bed, and throw the warm duvet over yourself.

"Damn it Tai...this isn't fair..."

Hot Spring Resort: Fat Gum x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now