Chapter 50: The Astronomy Tower

Start from the beginning

"Goddammit! It's blocked," you hissed as the door at the top of the stairs refused to budge. "Reducto!" Nothing happened, as if it were blocked by a number of strong enchantments from the other side.

"Let's find the others," Bill said after he also unsuccessfully tried a number of charms on the door. You ran back down the stairs after him and the sudden sounds of duelling drew you to the end of the corridor near the large stairs up to the Astronomy Tower classroom.

You and Bill exchanged an uneasy look before silently agreeing to step around the corner and join the fray. Remus, Tonks, McGonagall and Flitwick were engaged in battle with four Death Eaters and before you could make your presence known, Bill grabbed your elbow and pointed to the opposite corridor where Ginny, Neville and Luna were being chased by two more black clad figures.

You ran after them and the taller of the two, who you recognised to be Fenrir Greyback, sensed you before the other one undoubtedly because of his werewolf senses. He stopped and began to pursue you and Bill instead, and you both ran and ducked into the courtyard, drawing him away from the other three.

"Stupefy!" you yelled but he easily blocked both your spell and the one Bill had sent shortly after yours, and the three of you engaged in a three-way duel but it was clear that Greyback's reflexes were far beyond that of a normal wizard. He lunged for Bill and you stepped in, "Incarcer-" but he backhanded you across the face before you could cast the spell. The impact of him striking you sent you flying across the courtyard and you hit your head hard on the stone basin of the fountain.

Your vision went dark momentarily but Bill's sudden screams jerked you out of your near-blackout and you rolled over, feeling blood trickling down your face from your hairline, and you almost got sick when you saw Greyback mauling Bill on the ground.

"RELASHIO!" You screamed and jabbed your wand in the werewolf's direction, and his clawed hands instantly flew off Bill as if he'd burned them. Before he could react, you sent another spell his way, "Depulso!" He went crashing backwards through the wall of the courtyard into the external grounds of the school.

Your vision swam as hot blood continued to ooze down your face and you crumpled to your knees as blinding pain filled your head. Then you heard someone trip and swear and you saw Draco Malfoy, of all people, tripping over Bill's leg as he ran through the courtyard. He regained his balance after yelping in fright and kept running, seemingly in the direction of the Astronomy Tower, and thankfully without seeing you from your position at the foot of the fountain.

You pulled yourself up and stumbled over to Bill who appeared to be unconscious, and judging by the horrific bleeding wounds across his face, that was probably for the best. You leaned over him and checked for his pulse, your fingers slipping on his blood-drenched neck, and you sighed in relief as you felt his weak, but beating pulse.

You took in his injuries and winced as you saw how unrecognisable he was. You pointed your wand at his eye, which was swollen shut by one of the gashes across his face, and hoped for the best, "Episkey!"

The skin of his eyelid and underneath his eye slowly began to knit itself back together, but not fast enough, and you had enough knowledge to know his body would go into shock if he didn't get proper help soon.

You stood up shakily, your ears were ringing and your balance was completely off, but you needed help with Bill because you couldn't possibly move the tall man by yourself. A flash right before you made you wince, but you squinted against the pain in your head and saw Remus stunning a Death Eater.

He glanced over at you in shock and immediately ran over, "Y/N-"

"Remus, Bill. He needs help. Greyback, he-" you felt sick and disorientated and you just pulled Remus over and he audibly gasped in horror at the state of Bill.

Yours, Fred | f. weasley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now