Chapter Seven

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~Ending of January to beginning of February~

Miranda was holding one of her meetings as she sees the three lords. Lady Dimitrescu, Lord Heisenberg and Lord Moreau. But Donna and Angie weren't there. They both haven't showed up since Miranda came to their house to tell them the news of the second vessel.

"Alcina and Karl, I want you both to go and tell Donna everything. Since she and  Angie haven't been here for the last couple of meetings." Miranda orders them, "Today is my last day and after this meeting...I'll be gone! For the first vessel." She added, both of the lords nodded as they continued with the meeting.

~Shortly Time Skips~

Alcina and Karl both walked together as they didn't say a word, until the reached the house of Beneviento. Karl walks up and knocks, nobody answers and he was about to walk home but Alcina stopped him from leaving.

"Don't you dare, child! Mother Miranda gave us a duty to see what is the deal with her and Angie." Alcina tells him as she knocks onto the door, this time it was louder than Karls.

The door opens, they thought it was Donna but it Angie. She rubs her eyes as she was still in her nightgown.

"Morning or whatever time it is." Angie said, "What do you guys want?" She added.

"Well Mother Miranda wanted us to check on you guys, since you both haven't been coming to the last couple of meetings. We need to tell you both the plain for Mirandas return." Alcina tells as she and Karl both walked in.

Angie was blocking the stairs as she knew that Donna didn't want anyone to tell her and Shane together in the same bed.

"Out of the way dolly!" Karl forcefully pushed her. Alcina took one step but notices Angie's was semi-angry.

She whistles as her buddies as they start attacking them both. Alcina was irritated as she sliced and dice them into ribbons and she even pushes Angie out of the way. Meanwhile Karl was struggling to fight off some dolls.

Angie gets up and flies over to Alcina as she tries to pull her back.

"No big Dimi! She's resting and she's actually having one of her moments." She warns Alcina, she didn't care as she was in-front of Donna's door. As she was about to knock...she hears some very familiar sounds


Angie shook her head as she still pulls Alcina away from the door. But that didn't stop her from coming in, she ducks through the door as she sees someone's on top as the other was laying on their back as they both were in bed.

"A-Alcina?!" Donna shouted as she was on her back.

Shane was on top as she moves over to the other side. She covers herself and Donna while Alcina's eyes widen, her mouth dropping and her head tilted to the right. She had as smirk on her.

"Is this what you been doing? Instead of coming too the—" She gets cut off by something being throw at the wall next too her.

"GET OUT!" Donna shouted, then Karl comes in as he was immediately pushed back into the hallway.

Donna was pissed for her siblings interrupting her moment with Shane, but she was still in the mood. She looks at her partner with fire in her eyes, Shane nods and gets back to business as she pleasures Donna.

~Twenty minutes later~

Angie, Alcina and Karl were all down in the living room. Just sitting and waiting patiently...Donna comes walking down with Shane as they were dress in their casual outfits. Alcina nods as she opens her mouth but Donna stops her.

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