parte uno.

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'i dont know if what we have is love, but it's on my mind ...'

Lyssania's POV

"Lyss you need to get out of your room knowing your stoner ass it's probably all full of smoke."

ouu was my girl right fr. everyone knew me as a biggo stoner. Of course me being only 17 probably wasn't the best but hey, if my siblings don't mind why should random ass people care ya fee me?

but lemme tell you hotboxing, music, and winstop. my mothafuccn favs. my playlist had me in all kinds of emotions, went from listening to shoreline, to brenton wood, to stunna girl, woodie, and to jhene aiko.

my sister Davina kept banging on my door . what a pretty ass name, 'davina' . too bad my parents named the ugliest one that name now I can't use it because they not gon have the fine ass aunt osrs.

She kept banging and banging for like 10 minutes until I finally got up from my bed and went to open my door.

"Let's go to the car meet your man Cosme is going to be there-"

I instantly slammed my door cuz nuhuh no way she just spoke his name out loud.

okay so Cosme was like my casi algo and lemme tell you. casi algos

it wasn't working out due to many reasons, the main reason being he was never there when I actually needed him. But I stuck with him through everything that was happening to him and his family.

Of course my sister doesn't know me and Cosme ever talked which is why she brought him up here and there but she definitely knew I had the biggest crush on him.

I'd do anything for the kid,
he had me hypnotized.

But that didn't matter because he never truly felt the same way.

Knowing my sister she was going to make me go with her to the car meet anyway so I quickly fixed up my makeup and put on a pair of my juicy couture pants and a zip up hoodie . I also put on my hoops and jewelry cuz just like stunna says 'stuntn on bitches is the typa shit I do'

(stunna girl on tawp fr🧏🏽‍♀️)

I was lowkey nervous asf because knowing Cosme was going to be there I just couldn't imagine how fineeeeee this man was going to be.

Like yall don't understand fr how handsome this man has been ever since we was little. He can have my kids asf idc.

Since the carmeet was only a couple blocks away we walked the whole way there not wanting to get stopped at red lights .
Once we got there we went with Davina's amigas that were all there with their man and I was on my phone taking videos of the scenery.

I loved going to car meets it reminded me so much when me and my brother lived with my grandma and we would sneak out to meets so he can show off his car. I would always be in the passenger while he did donuts.
That all changed when he got locked up but I would always remenisce about those Friday nights. It was the adrenaline that felt so good.

From the corner of my eye I can see Cosme and all his homies but I didn't make it obvious and just continued on my phone.

Now lemme tell yall I'm not gonna front , some of these car meet guys be fine asf. Maybe even made eye contact with some of them. But NO ONE can beat Cosme. ughh this man has me obsessed I can't even deny it anymore fr. Delusional type shi.

After the car meet got raided by the police we all ended up at a house party.
Cosmes house party to be exact

all got our drinks out, bumping to sneako, having the time of our lives.
I had left the group to go fix my makeup cuz we can never have no crusty ass makeup tf.
when I walked out I was met with the finest man at the party.

"Hey how you've been?"

pls why is this man giving me butterflies all over just by his voice

"I've been good just living life"
I gave him a small smile when i replied.

for some reason I felt like him asking me felt awkward to him but to me it didn't.

we just stared at eachother and smiling like stupid asses.

"Ight i gotta go check on my homie ... hope you having a good time lyss lyss"
he smiled and walked away

lyss lyss. i haven't heard that name ina while

lyss lyss was the nickname only him and my grandma were allowed to call me
it felt like home hearing it from him.

by the time I got back to my sister and her friend Ezabella I was ready to go to sleep and you were able to tell too with my grumpy ass.
I said my goodbyes to everyone and left walking home. Was only a 5 minute walk so I didn't take too long.

I got home put my hair up took everything off and got comfy in my bed watching tiktoks for a bit. Right when i was about to knock out I got a text message

2 new messages from 'cosme<3'
your sister told me you left lmao was looking for you ngl
2:30 am
goodnight hermosa sleep good❤️
2:31 am

i was literallyyy cheesingggg like a little girl at a candy store . i didn't even know how to reply to him

yessss i diddd was bouta knock outt goodnight tho cosme<3
sent at 2:34 am

hi babyssssss jjust a little starter to see how i like certain plots for rn peri lmkk mas o menosss whatt you want to happenn

also can we talk about how fine cosme is fr liek them face tatsss are so bawmmm anddddd my manssss geesy n fendi backk n betta ughhh(,:

love all of you babysss and stay safeee chulass<3

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