Arc 5 Chapter 1 - Birthday Shopping

Começar do início

"You do know I've got everything under control, right?"

"Don't be so sure. You're playing a dangerous game here Kiyotaka," she responded, wagging her finger at me.

I reached out and brushed her hair, but it didn't affect her at all, or at least I couldn't detect a change in her outward appearance. She seemed to be too set on this to get flustered right now.

"Hey, I'll be fine. There's nothing to worry about."

"Can you just let me be concerned for my friend? Is that too much to ask for?"

I sighed. There was still one big problem with the situation, but to calm her down, and give her a micron of control over my safety was something I could sacrifice, if it ended this ridiculous conversation. "Fine, I'll buy her a present."

"Ugh, thank god. You know, for a smart guy, you really don't think through the most basic shit. Seriously, I'm not even asking you to turn up. All you had to do was..."

She paused, her words falling off track as her eyes widened slightly. I could see the gears turning in her mind as she uncovered my real issue with the situation.

"Have you never bought someone a present, Kiyotaka?"

My deepest secret was revealed.

"Yeah. I've never given or received a present before, and so I lack the customary understandings to make an appropriate purchase."

Silence filled the room at my words, Kikyou simply staring at me, trying to process my words. Her mouth had dropped open slightly, and all she could do was blink, trying to understand how someone lived their life without ever getting a present. Cute.

"You've... never gotten a present before?"

"Yeah. I guess you'll have to help me pick one out." I could use the internet to find a good present idea, but this was a chance to segue away from my unordinary childhood. I didn't want to be asked questions about it, and luckily Kikyou picked up on this, the pity disappearing from her eyes slightly, taking the hint that I wanted to move on.

"Well, as sad as that is, I can't just leave you alone now. I bet you'd do something really dumb and get her something romantic."

"I can see that being a distinct possibility."

Fortunately, the awkward air was gone already, and Kikyou had transitioned back into teasing me for my lack of common sense.

"Right. You and I are going to Keyaki Mall tomorrow, and you're going to pick something out for Inogashira. You don't have to show up for long but get her something."


"And then, you're going to buy me something, as a reward with putting up with you."


Wait what?

I looked down to see the smirk on Kikyou's face. I'd fallen right into her trap, although I hadn't made any effort to avoid it.

Sighing in defeat, I made my way into the kitchen to prepare a couple of drinks, only to find Kikyou had followed me there.


She gave me an affirmative response, and I put the kettle on. It was too late at night for coffee, and a cup of tea was always a pleasant way to relax before going to sleep.

We stood there in the kitchen in a comfortable silence. I could see her gaze drifting off towards something beyond regular sight, as her mind wandered to whatever it did.

ChaoskoujiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora