•|Ming Yue|•

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•Species: Black Jaguar.
•Age: 39.
•Gender: Female.
•Close friends: Tigress, Po, Monkey, Mantis, Viper, Crane and Fai/OC.
•Old love: Tai Lung.
•Is like an older sister to Tigress and Viper.
•Loved to meditate and train with Tai and spend time near the Sakura tree with him.
•Is highly experienced and skilled in kung fu and almost bulky and is a little muscular like Tai Lung.

(In my AU)
Ming was a black panther in a village in the snowy mountains where Tai Lung used to live before the wolves took over, killing and destroying the village and the people evacuating. She was only born when the wolves attacked, her mother running away with her during the evacuation and finding the Valley of Peace. Days, even years of settling in the town for safety from the invasion and hiding from being hunted down by the wolves, her mother soon found peace and was able to raise her child peacefully, taking her out for errands and caring for her since her father died during the war and back then her mother was first pregnant with her. As she grew older, she began to teach herself kung fu and wanted to be like her father and honor him, using archery and staffs as her weapons when fighting her handmade dummies and targets. At the age of 10 she became a bit of an expert at archery and speed when fighting her enemies and opponents. But when she met Tai Lung she began to struggle...

{Love Life}
As she grew older, she began to feel curious of the Jade Palace and what it was like, she would mostly go get water and errands for her mother at the well near the Sakura tree that was near the Jade Palace, when she felt that she was being watched, she met Tai who was behind the tree when she looked, at first she thought he was a creepy stranger but soon realized he was the son of the grandmaster Shifu. As years passed, the two soon got a connection with each other and began to see each other every time she went to fetch some water, Tai always sneaking to her to get a closer look at the panther, and himself too feeling a connection with her as well. Later on, her mother forbid her and Tai from seeing each other, which broken them apart soon after, but then Tai began to see her at her home window, visiting her to get a better look and info on her, as in getting to know her. She liked that he still wanted to see her while she was forbid to see him, the two talking and laughing with each other many nights and days. She soon had a heated argument with her mother, her mother forbidding her from talking to Tai for good and making sure that Tai doesn't see her ever again, she felt heartbroken by this, but still did as she was told, crying many nights and sometimes even in the day about the new rule in the house. When Tai Lung soon returned the same night, he saw her in a depressive mood, feeling in his heart that he should comfort her, sure, he WAS a bit of a sassy and cocky person, not to mention he sometimes even taunted the girl jokingly, he still felt bad for her and felt that he NEEDED to do something. When he went to her, embracing her into a comforting and warm hug, soothing her nerves and depression, and that's when he began to feel feelings for the panther, honest feelings....but since he didn't want her to feel anymore of her mother's rage, he left her alone and sadly...didn't come back. After a year since the two went they're separate ways, Ming's mother decided that since she's not a child anymore, she should let her be free and stop acting so controlling to her, giving her permission to see Tai and talk to him. Of course the girl was amazed by the news and gave her mother thanks and love before storming off to the Jade Palace to see the leopard, and when she did, Tai soon was filled with happiness from finally being able to see the childhood friend and crush he wasn't able to see for an year. When Shifu and Oogway was informed about the two, they felt a little happy to see Tai have a connection with someone and reunite with an old friend from his teen years and show compassion to somebody after such a long while, the two trained with each other and along each other's side for years, Ming coming to visit the palace every morning for her daily morning AND evening training with Tai for as long as she was able to, getting more stronger and faster by the days and nights that came, but sadly....all stories must have a problem...a bad one.

{The Fight}
After years of being close, the two began to become more separate, Tai craving and fighting more for the dragon scroll, rather than for his friend, paying lesser attention to her and more in his training, as Shifu had told him he was destined for greatness in becoming the dragon warrior, Oogway thought otherwise and Ming began to feel the same, seeing him becoming greedier and full of darkness instead of the light he once shined. When the decision for the dragon warrior came, Ming seemed excited, but Tai and Fai seemed to be confident about the choosing, they're heads up and hands behind they're backs and the expression of confidence and automatic victory on they're face. But when Shifu was going to declare the scroll to Tai Lung, Oogway only shook his head in disapproval and leaving Shifu in disbelief, Tai's face of confidence soon turning into disbelief as well, but with a bit of anger and sadness in his eyes, when Ming and Fai tried to comfort him he aggressively smacked her hand away and scolded Fai, storming off in a fit of seething rage, leaving the palace and to the village. Ming was afraid of this, she NEVER saw her friend in such a state and wanted to rush after him but was stopped by the horrific news from a bruised and beaten villager that came from the village....he was destroying it...has he gone MAD...for him to act like this because of a broken destiny and disapproval of succession, killing and destroying the village, turning the Valley of Peace, into the Valley of Havoc and Destruction, putting all his rage and hatred into the villagers and everything around him. When he soon returned, Ming was shaking in fear from the fury and flaming hatred he had in his eyes, looking at her in a complete and blinded rage and Shifu looking stunned but determined to stop him, Ming begged him not to face the leopard but it was far too late, blinded by the sweetened and innocence of the leopard, he stopped himself, letting Tai get the hit and strike badly at the red panda, injuring his side. When Tai tried to attack once again, Ming stopped him, trying her best to talk to him in the state he was and understand him, but too full of hatred and immense fury....he growled...and slashed at her arm...blood splattering on the floor and the agonizing scream of Ming echoing throughout the room. Shifu and Oogway, stunned and scared by the display was in shock and terror by what he done and Shifu afraid for his student that was too injured to intervene. As Tai was now realizing what he done, he immediately felt guilty and sorry for what he done and tried to comfort her but was given back a face full of fear and shock, Ming looking at him in tears and trying to scoot away from him, for she was too scared of him. Feeling heartbroken of how she felt towards him, seeing him as a threat rather than a companion finally made him snap, him giving her a face of betrayal and hatred and tried to get the scroll, only for Oogway to stop him and paralyze him through his chest, him falling motionlessly onto the floor and seeming to be out cold. Ming saw him and went to him, scared but wanting to help and comfort the leopard, even tho he hurt her, she was still willing to help him, hugging her good arm around him and apologizing to him...to Shifu and Oogway for the trouble and chaos. After the whole fiasco, Tai was sent to Chor-Ghom prison for good, feeling a small sense of regret from his actions towards his friend...his love, but only felt nothing but revenge and hatred, him feeling hatred towards his father for making him the way he was, the dreams and destiny he THOUGHT he would get...but instead got life in prison for his crimes...leaving with a broken and cold heart.

A month went by after the fight and she still felt too scared to go near him...her arm bandaged up and healing from the scratch and Shifu and Oggway going on with they're daily duties, Ming felt sorry for Tai and forgave him anyways, even after all he's done to her, to Shifu, she still felt forgiving towards the leopard. She felt grieved but also as if in need to let go of the past, but all that changed when she met the formation of the furious five, and the dragon warrior.

OK! So this was the background and WHOLE story of Ming, she USED to be a snow leopard but since she's a little muscular and tough yet SOFT due to her training and connection with Tai, I thought a black jaguar was perfect for her! I hope you all are having a wonderful night and God bless you all! Goodnight and sweet dreams!✝️❤️‍🩹🥺

•{My Kung Fu Panda OC's}• |Book 1|Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя