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He and I are in bed together, reveling in the moments of peace that we have before our kids come barging into our room. As they usually do most mornings.

Even though we've seen each other naked and have held each other in intimate positions, there are moments where I still feel incredibly shy around him. That I find it hard to look at him.

This is one of those moments.

I cover up my bare body with the thick comforter, feeling incredibly self-conscious. Even though he always  sees me, all of me, and loves what he sees.

He immediately senses that I'm retreating into myself again, and pulls me close to him.

"Talk to me, habibti", he says softly, stroking my hair in that soothing way that only he knows how, "what's wrong?"

I curl into his warm chest, nuzzling lightly, "I don't know.", I say into his chest.

He chuckles softly, which never fails to make me shiver, and tilts my head up, "My eyes are up here, Hadeel."

I nervously look at him, into his blue eyes, filled with nothing but patience, love and understanding. Eyes that first drew me to him, and still draw me into him every time.

"I still can't believe that I'm here, with you", I start off softly, "that we're married, that I'm your wife. That I'm Mrs. Fayad. That we made 5 beautiful children together. It doesn't seem real sometimes. It feels like a dream, one that I will wake up out of soon."

"I can hardly believe it myself sometimes", he murmurs, in his sexy voice that I love hearing, "I thought I lost you for good when you left Hillcrest. I thought I'd never find you again."

"But we did", I say, threading my fingers with his, "we found each other again. And I'll never regret a moment of what I did to find you. And be with you. Here. Like this. In your arms."

"I love you so much, Mrs. Hadeel Fayad. My habibti. And I always will", he breathes softly, leaning in.

"I love you even more, Raed Fayad. Always have and always will, forever.", I breathe softly as well, leaning in to meet his lips.

We kiss like this for what seems like hours, but is most likely only mere seconds, before we hear our door slam open, and the sound of our youngest daughter, Arya, screaming, "EW, Mommy and Daddy ARE KISSING! AND THEY DON'T HAVE CLOTHES ON!"

We pull away quickly, only to the sound of the door slamming shut, as they race back to their rooms. Most likely screaming at the position they saw their parents in. And trying to forget it as well.

"Well", he says to me, trying to fight back a smile and failing, "I think we certainly scarred our kids for life with that whole scene."

"I don't disagree.", I say with a soft chuckle, "but maybe this will discourage them from barging into our room in the morning."

"Exactly", he says, finally smiling.

"Now", I purr, pulling him down on me as we fall back into bed, "where were we, Mr. Fayad?"

"I believe we were kissing, Mrs. Fayad.", he murmurs, as we pick up where we left off. And then some.

Excerpts from a relationship that never happenedWhere stories live. Discover now