(Speedwagon) Little Lady

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I stg this gif makes me go crazy he's a hunk and I don't see enough of him :,( his dub voice makes me scream w/o the s 0_0 also im really sorry but this is female reader cause I just can't refuse using those suave terms like madam and stuff :0 I can make a male version if y'all want just lmk also I don't want the dad thing to be super angsty im just going off my parental relationship w/ my dad :p

     You weren't sure what you were doing out so late, but by no means was it a good idea. A lady walking around the dark slums of London is bound to have an unsavory ending. Your father had asked you to get your mother's medication because she had spiked a fever. Though you have no idea why he decided it was a good idea to send you instead of going out himself, maybe he wanted you to get mugged and or stabbed. You weren't the most beloved in your family but you couldn't complain, they just were always so busy they don't really know who you are. 

     Your mother had been bedridden since you were little, she was usually too tired to play with you or talk with you since she was sleeping often. When you did talk it was pleasant for she is a kind woman but it still doesn't feel like it should between mother and daughter. Parental relationships aside, no matter who you are its not a good idea to send your daughter to the bad area in town at 10pm unless you want her skin mailed to you sewn nicely into a sweater in a purple box and blue bow on top. 

     The thought sent a chill up your spine and combined with the freezing temperature your body violently shook for a second before you pulled your shawl tighter on your shoulders. Your clothes were nothing special, a royal blue dress that had white ruffles at the bottom as well as a white apron that wrapped around your waist. You were working class, not too rich but not too poor. You didn't stand out terribly here besides the fact there were no other women that you could see which honestly made you nervous beyond belief. 

     You noticed a few lingering glances from the men lounging about on the side of the street, it made your skin crawl and mind wander to the worst possible outcome. The only doctor you had in this town was Ogre St., besides that the nearest doctor was three hours out of reach. Normally you would make the journey to avoid Ogre St. at all costs but tonight was an emergency so you didn't have any choice but to take your chances. 

     Turning the corner into the alleyway, you noticed eerie silence echoing off the walls. It chilled your very soul. You shrunk down as much as possible like trying to tuck yourself into an imaginary turtle shell and carried through. You've read you're supposed to do the opposite, puff your chest out and hold your head up high but right now you couldn't help it as fear bit at every inch of your body. 

     This doctor was a family friend who mainly dabbled in drugs and poisons but he specially made the medicine for your mom that made her get better in the past. Some kind of immune system booster. He was close with your father and proclaimed to do anything for your family so even though he was a sly shady man you trusted him with such an important matter. 

     As you stepped closer, building in sight, you heard a pair of footsteps behind you and you froze in place, slowly turning your head. Behind you was a man, a rather big one. He had black hair with red clips in the sides. You became frantic and took a quick step backwards only to be met with a chest which made you gasp a whirl around while stumbling back. This caused the man to chuckle and grab the sides of you arms which pinned them to your body.

     "Hey hey, where you going little miss?" The man behind you said, another big man with a purple mask tattooed across his eyes. You stuttered as they closed in around you, tears rising to your eyes and fear written all over your face. "Aww what's the matter sweetie? Scared?" the one with black hair snickered and wrapped a hand around your waist and pulled you closer to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2021 ⏰

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