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1.) Hammond drives a Soviet Ambulance.

2.) Hammond is sexually attracted to Cars.

3.) Hammond once got scammed into losing 1,000,000 V-Bucks XDDD.

4.) Hammond is addicted to Homicide and "performing Homosexual activities".

5.) Hammond lost a finger in 2016.

6.) Hammond always pees upwards. It's because he broke his PP when He was a boy :((.

7.) Hammond and Jeremy are "Friends with benefits".

8.) When asked if He had any special talents, Hammond replied, "I can smoke 82,000 pounds of CRACK in ONE SHOT".

9.) Every year, on his Birthday, Hammond takes a bath in Mayonnaise. He then applies ketchup onto his Head and rubs Hot Sauce, all over his Nipples.

10.) Hammond can't swim. This delights Jeremy Clarkson and James May.

11.) Hammond learned to read at age 19.

12.) When asked by an Interviewer, out of curiosity, if He was Gay, Hammond replied "Sometimes".

13.) Hammond worships Flying Spaghetti Monster xDDD.

14.) Hammond was arrested in 2003 for "sexually assaulting" a Toyota.

15.) Hammond has committed 35,000,000 war crimes.

16.) Hammond has crashed over 696,969 Cars. All instances resulted in him breaking every single bone in his body.

17.) Hammond once re-enacted the Gulags of The Soviet Union in Minecraft.

18.) Hammond hates Food. He performs Photosynthesis to keep himself alive.

19.) In 2012, a Porno consisting of Hammond and a Porsche was leaked onto MySpace.

These are all fake and just for laughs. No offense or disrespect intended. Poor Hammy.

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