chapter 1

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A young girl sits in the back of the class. she wears dark clothes and has dark colored hair. No one in her school liked her so she could just sit in the back and get all her school wok done without being bothered. That is until someone passes her a note that read:
" Dear Kelly,
You are fat, ugly and smell like a pig sty, why don't you do the whole world a favor and just kill yourself? No one will miss you anyway!"
Kelly lets the note slip from her hand to the ground as she grabs her stuff and begins to run out of the classroom with tears in her eyes and a hand over her mouth to cover her sobs. She runs down the hall to the girls bathroom and lets herself fall into the handicap stall and just cries for a moment. She stands up and grabs her bag and throws it against the wall in anger. Kelly reaches into her bag to take out her journal. She flips to the back cover and removes a piece of tape that seems to be covering something, she takes out a small blade that goes to a box cutter. She looks at herself in the mirror and says " I am disgusting, I hate how I look, why cant I just disappear?" Kelly brings the small blade to her wrist and begins to cut small superficial cuts along her skin, just enough to draw blood and cause her pain. As she stands there blood dripping onto the dirty bathroom tile she hears a knock on the stall door. Kelly glances through the crack on the door to see Sandra her old friend( since they stopped talking before high school started). "Kelly, I saw what happened  and they are wrong. Don't let them get to you. You are beautiful I have always told you that. I am here to talk to if you want. I mean if you ever want to catch up just stop by my house, haven't moved you know still the same house with the big yard we used to play in when we were kids, hell my mom misses you for sure" she said while sighing heavily. Sandra takes one last look at the stall door hoping that her old friend would take her up on the offer and come out to talk to her. Kelly waits until she hears Sandra leave before she cleans up her wrists and grabs her stuff to leave.

As Kelly leaves the bathroom she glances into the main office to see the teachers in the lounge laughing and drinking their coffee. As if they didn't have a care in the world. Unknowing that a student of theirs just harmed themselves in the bathroom as they all stood here and laughed, what great educators they must be- Kelly thought to herself. Kelly took this chance while they were all distracted to run out the front doors of the school. She began her walk towards her house as she wiped the tears from her face and stares at the sky. Just as she nears the corner of her street she can see her mothers car in the driveway. "what is she doing home?" Kelly asked with regret. She begins to fumble around in her bag searching for her house key but before she can find it her mother rips open the door with a grin on her face. " Why are you  home so early? Did they finally realize that your too dumb to learn, that all your worth is for cleaning my house and taking care of me?" she began to yell at Kelly as she attempted to rush past her mother to go to her room. Kelly makes it to her door and locks the door behind her slamming it in her mothers face while doing so. She flops onto her bed and decided to just lay there with her eyes closed sitting in the silence. the silence did not last long as her mother began to bang on the bedroom door yelling " get off you lazy fat ass and clean this house!" Kelly reluctantly opens the door to answer her mother. "Yes mom." she answered. She begins to clean the house which only takes her two hours. When she is finally done she turns to look at her mother who is putting on a pair of heels that make her look like a dollar whore for yet another one of her " date nights" which Kelly knows is just another way of saying she is going on another bender of alcohol, drugs, and selling her body. Kelly takes a bowl of cereal into the living room and eats while watching a movie as soon as her mother goes out the front door. Kelly finishes her last bite of cereal and walks to the kitchen to put her bowl in the sink to be washed when something in her makes her turn around. She glances over to the dining room table. She begins to reminisce about all the better things, about how things were before. How they were a happy family, her mom and dad. They used to have family game night at that table. Her father would sit there and make funny faces and tell bunches of stupid dad jokes forcing them all to laugh so much they were gripping their sides in pain. When they would all take turns pulling pranks and tickling each other. Kelly begins to sob and cry. Everything changed when dad decided to leave us for his assistant, all because she was pregnant. He was willing to start a new family with a woman he barely knew when he already had one! Just thinking of this was making Kelly red in the face. "Why did you leave me alone? and with her?" Kelly choked out through her sobs.

She runs into her room and lays on her bed and cries. She decides to plug in her headphones into her cellphone. She presses play and starts to listen to Avenged Sevenfold, while looking at old photos of her dad. She begins to drift into a very deep sleep. For what feels like hours later she begins to hear her mother attempting to stumble her way to her room. Kelly wipes her face from the crying and drool she was bound to have on her face to get up and leave her room. "Kelly help mommy please." her mother pleads. Kelly places one arm around her mothers waist and another around her shoulders to help her stand and balance her out. She turns to face her mother and gets hit by a strong smell of alcohol. "Mommy loves you so much Kelly, your my first and only child. I will always love you, you know that right?" she says through the burps of alcohol stenched breaths that she lets out. Kelly rolls her eyes after putting her mother into bed, she then takes off the heels and leaves them by the door, as she silently backs out of the doorway closing the door behind her. Leaning against the door after it is closed she sighs a discontented sigh and looks out the widow of the living room. She sees her neighbor Meggie's light on. Kelly decided to go see her. Kelly rushes to her room and grabs her bag. Running through the front door as she is hopping on one foot putting on her Converse shoes. She begins to think of who Meggie is to her. Meggie is the twenty one year old who has lived across the street from them for so long. She was also the only person who offered her other ways to escape the pain she felt every day. She gets to the door an she doesn't even have to knock before Meggie is at the door with a cigarette in between her lips and her clothes awry asking " do you need another escape?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2021 ⏰

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